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Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:37 pm
by FrozenInTime
The way things are going, I might have to jump in as a level 1....... what a week...

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:25 pm
by myhorselikesbeer
I'm in again, doing AG BIAB, but can go where needed. Thanks for organizing again Dave. :urock:

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:35 pm
by joechianti
FrozenInTime wrote:The way things are going, I might have to jump in as a level 1....... what a week...
How so? Care to elaborate?

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:18 pm
by FrozenInTime
joechianti wrote:
FrozenInTime wrote:The way things are going, I might have to jump in as a level 1....... what a week...
How so? Care to elaborate?
Got a week to listen? LOL, all is ok, just I've had a bad last couple weeks, my brewing efficiency dove south, kicking me in da boys pretty hard. I've been pretty sick, wife caught it and was sick, we both r just getting better. Yea, nuttin to do with brewing, just has me down. Then in the middle of all this, my mom, who lives in Indiana (I'm in ND) has a bad stroke. Just not very happy right now. (you asked)

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:36 am
by FedoraDave
Gosh, Froze, that's a harsh situation you're in. Sorry about your mum.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:23 am
by joechianti
Sorry to hear about your mom. That's tough. I know you'll get that brewing efficiency back. I hope your mom does okay.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:19 am
by jimjohson
sorry FiT.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:45 pm
by Knightmare
Ah, what the hell! Put me down as a level 4. I haven't done an extract brew for a long time. But I think I can still make the adjustments from AG. So, throw me in mix. :cool: :muahaha: :barman:

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:57 pm
by Knightmare
FrozenInTime wrote:
joechianti wrote:
FrozenInTime wrote:The way things are going, I might have to jump in as a level 1....... what a week...
How so? Care to elaborate?
Got a week to listen? LOL, all is ok, just I've had a bad last couple weeks, my brewing efficiency dove south, kicking me in da boys pretty hard. I've been pretty sick, wife caught it and was sick, we both r just getting better. Yea, nuttin to do with brewing, just has me down. Then in the middle of all this, my mom, who lives in Indiana (I'm in ND) has a bad stroke. Just not very happy right now. (you asked)
Sorry to hear the bad new Frozen. Keeping a special place in my prayers for you and your family.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:43 pm
by dwaynebutcher
Well, I am new to home brewing. I was referred to this site and RCE by a poster over at the Mr. Beer forums. If I can make my second post here a request to join, count me in. I am only a level 1.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:07 pm
by FrozenInTime
dwaynebutcher wrote:Well, I am new to home brewing. I was referred to this site and RCE by a poster over at the Mr. Beer forums. If I can make my second post here a request to join, count me in. I am only a level 1.
Your welcomed to join in! Since your very new, tell us what kind of brews you prefer, what you would be interested in, etc. I saw you did an into which is good, tell us in that thread your desires/wishes brew wise. Would you be interested in steeping grains, adding more hops, coming up with your own recipes or just doctoring Mr. Beer kits, etc. I also noticed you said you just started, you would do best to start real slow, jumping out of kits or designing your own real fast might not give you your desired means as brewing is a slow learning process.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:19 am
by FedoraDave
dwaynebutcher, welcome! I may bend the rules a little and customize who you're paired with, but in any case, I think you'll find the RCE a rewarding learning experience. And that's very gratifying, because that's one of the reasons I started it.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:22 am
by dwaynebutcher
FrozenInTime wrote:
dwaynebutcher wrote:Well, I am new to home brewing. I was referred to this site and RCE by a poster over at the Mr. Beer forums. If I can make my second post here a request to join, count me in. I am only a level 1.
Your welcomed to join in! Since your very new, tell us what kind of brews you prefer, what you would be interested in, etc. I saw you did an into which is good, tell us in that thread your desires/wishes brew wise. Would you be interested in steeping grains, adding more hops, coming up with your own recipes or just doctoring Mr. Beer kits, etc. I also noticed you said you just started, you would do best to start real slow, jumping out of kits or designing your own real fast might not give you your desired means as brewing is a slow learning process.

Cheers! I like all kinds of beers really. I have for years enjoyed drinking and sampling all of the various craft brews. I like drinking stouts and dark ales. I even like drinking a super cold Dos XX (or ten) on the beach. I'll drink anything. I have only brewed three batches, all still in the bottle. Two that came with the kits, the Classic Light and Aztec Cerveza, and I bought a recipe for a stout, for St. Patty's day.

At this point I do not think I can do anything other than the HME kits. I do not want to get all mad scientist as they say. At least not yet. I would like to experiment with hops and try to understand the process of adding them to the wort and to see about using LME and DME and get a feeling for what they add to the batches.

Looking forward to it!

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:55 pm
by FedoraDave
dwaynebutcher wrote:
FrozenInTime wrote:
dwaynebutcher wrote:Well, I am new to home brewing. I was referred to this site and RCE by a poster over at the Mr. Beer forums. If I can make my second post here a request to join, count me in. I am only a level 1.
Your welcomed to join in! Since your very new, tell us what kind of brews you prefer, what you would be interested in, etc. I saw you did an into which is good, tell us in that thread your desires/wishes brew wise. Would you be interested in steeping grains, adding more hops, coming up with your own recipes or just doctoring Mr. Beer kits, etc. I also noticed you said you just started, you would do best to start real slow, jumping out of kits or designing your own real fast might not give you your desired means as brewing is a slow learning process.

Cheers! I like all kinds of beers really. I have for years enjoyed drinking and sampling all of the various craft brews. I like drinking stouts and dark ales. I even like drinking a super cold Dos XX (or ten) on the beach. I'll drink anything. I have only brewed three batches, all still in the bottle. Two that came with the kits, the Classic Light and Aztec Cerveza, and I bought a recipe for a stout, for St. Patty's day.

At this point I do not think I can do anything other than the HME kits. I do not want to get all mad scientist as they say. At least not yet. I would like to experiment with hops and try to understand the process of adding them to the wort and to see about using LME and DME and get a feeling for what they add to the batches.

Looking forward to it!
This is what the RCE is for, actually. You may get paired with someone who can teach you about hop characteristics, and how to add hops, and steeping grains for added body and flavor, and stuff like that. I'm glad you don't want to go all mad scientist. I went that route, and after a couple of pretty questionable beers, I decided to take it slow, learn some things, and take it by steps. I got great coaching from the other members of the Mr. Beer community (now stalwart Borg members), and I eventually worked my way up to all-grain brewing, and formulating my own recipes. It's easier than you think, so don't be intimidated. I'm hoping you'll be paired with someone who can work with you on unhopped malt extracts, steeping grains, and hop additions. It's really pretty easy, and you'll make great beer!

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange - Winter 2015

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:19 am
by dwaynebutcher
As it happens, I like great beer. I like bad beer too. But I really like great beer.