Sublimely disappointed

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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by haerbob3 »

Inkleg wrote:
Beer-lord wrote: Maybe 70% are off. Most since I got my new pot.
Paul, you may try making a change in your BeerSmith equipment profile. After I had done a few batches and knew my process was constant, but my numbers were off, I changed for 1/2 gallon of extra loss and get....well pretty close now.
I add the 10 minute hops to my SSR in 25 minutes. I'm supposed to have 5.5 gallons in the bucket, I'll let you know how close I am.
Beer-lord wrote:Brewing is a constant learning experience and I know I have tons to learn and if I never get it right and still can enjoy my beers, I'll ride into the sunset and know I had a good ride!
I have ALWAYS enjoyed your beers and will ride shotgun into the sunset with you. Plus Kealia lives West of us and he brews GREAT beer also. :clink:
Agreeing with Ink here. Think your profiles in Beersmith may need a little tweaking. I have always mashed out with my single infusions. Are you hitting your projected OG, where is your mash temp after the strike temp, ETC? When I started using my current rig all my numbers were way off!! That is a story for another day. closer but still tweaking!!
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by Beer-lord »

I think with the Pliny this week I have things much closer to where I need them to be. 90% of the time I hit or beat my OG. My Thermapin has helped me with temps much better than the thermometer on the kettle which is only accurate from 90-140 then off a bit as it gets closer to boil temps. I know its settings with my new pot because this hardly happened with my old pot on the stove.
Another calculator I used this week hit the strike water perfectly. I needed 151-152 and got exactly 152 without adding any ice or heat to adjust.
So, the good news is I have to brew more to tweak the settings and the really good news is that I have to drink what I brew.
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by haerbob3 »

yep I can not wait to get back to After this week things will slow down a bit at work. Summer schedule is just nuts. All members do is party!!!
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by Beer-lord »

Just took another small taste test of this beer and though it's not 100% carbed, it's close. However, it's got a strong alcohol taste. It was supposed to come out at about 9% which I would understand would have some of that but mine, unless I measured one of both readings incorrectly, came out at just under 6.5%.

It did hit 72-73 for a short while after I pitched and it started fermenting but I got it down to 66 in just a few hours. I'm thinking fusel alcohol though I pitched the correct amount of yeast. Seems that this brew has been a problem from start to finish. It's not bad but the alcohol is covering up the flavor.

I guess it'll have to sit a month or so in the kegerator to see if it mellows out. I'll likely lose some hop goodness while I wait. Time may improve this beer.
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by Beer-lord »

I spent some time yesterday reading up about fusel odors and taste and the great majority of people say that even after 4 months, it just doesn't go away. I'm going to wait 45 days and if I see no difference, I will just dump the 2 1/2 gallons I have in the keg. No use in keeping 1/3 of my taps unused.
I do have a few bottles I'm storing for a long while to see what happens as well. Possibly the bottles will come out differently????????
I've not dumped a brew in a very, very, very long time.
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by Brewbirds »

In sympathy I have a batch of MBs version of Oval Office Honey Amber that hit 82F on me and is sitting in the closet. I don't have high hopes of getting rid of twang and fusel but we've had other beers to drink so there they sit. :(

One can only hope but I use bottles and you need to free up a keg so I see the sadness of dumpness happening. :(
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by Beer-lord »

I hate to be negative for both of us but I think neither of us will be happy.
I brewed 4 times in 5 weeks and though I didn't rush, perhaps I took on more than I should. The next few weeks I'm off of brewing with the hopes of cooler weather though I'll be negative New Orleans, the A/C is on until mid October!
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Re: Sublimely disappointed

Post by Inkleg »

Just purged a pail with co2, transferred mine to a secondary and added 2oz each of Simcoe and Amarillo (down to 3oz, not good). Still have a pound of Simcoe though. :banana:
Went with a secondary on this one due to the amount of yeast I knew would be in the primary.

OG was 1.070 and FG was 1.009, so 8% ABV. Taste, well sometimes I still have to wrap my head around roast and bitter. There is a conflict going on there, good but jury is still out. Going to let it sit 24 hours at 65* and then cold crash for 3 days and keg.

Will post back.
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