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Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:32 pm
by Brewbirds
Inkleg wrote:Thanks for dropping a line and it's great to hear from you! Life does have a habit of getting in the way of things we'd like to do and we understand. Take care of yourselves first and us second.
Man have I missed your posts, hopefully you are still keeping things INK on the Borg.

We are thrilled that we just got a little closer to you from VA to SC; hope you are to. :banana: :p

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:40 pm
by Brewbirds
FedoraDave wrote:Good to see you, Birdie! I've missed you guys. Stick around; the Borg isn't the same without you.
I have missed you FATHER and welcome my return to your philosophical circle.

My brewing equipment awaits.


Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:34 pm
by Inkleg
Brewbirds wrote:Hey INK
Man have I missed your posts, hopefully you are still keeping things INK on the Borg.

We are thrilled that we just got a little closer to you from VA to SC; hope you are to. :banana: :p
I'm doing what I can around here, but like you life/work keeps getting in the way. My wife retired a few months ago and is getting her photography business going. I'm so thrilled for her finally being able to let her creative side out again Jody DeWeese Photography.
Please, Please, Please PM your new address in SC. You might be a day trip away and we could bring kittens! We are trying to expose them to as many experiences possible in hopes of making one or both therapy cats. We would like for them to bring as much enjoyment to others as they do us.

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:29 pm
by jimjohson
Brewbirds wrote:
jimjohson wrote:Welcome back BB 1 & 2, it's been awhile!
Hey JJ yes it has been a while and you were on a adventure of your own with the home brew store. I haven't been around the other Borg news/threads yet and hope all is well with that.

How is your back? Still getting real bad? It really bums me out when that happens and there isn't any relief.

The Store is going well, thanks for asking, I've got just a little over a year on the job and it's forced me to up my game to include wine making and enough about distillation I can talk to the shiners. The back comes and goes, the re-supply days suck. Most of the time, my job consists of sitting on my butt playing solitaire.

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:34 pm
by BigPapaG
Hello Birdies!


Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:08 pm
by RickBeer
Tweet, tweet, squawk, squawk. Freakin' bird brain blathering...


What she doesn't say is that she didn't come back until someone sent a PM to BB2 and asked if he had dumped the dumb bird. He laughed, and said "no, the old bird is still around. I will go wake her from her nap and see if she remembers how to peck on the keyboard". Then, she reappeared.

It is sad when an old bird doesn't realize that she isn't truly living without her RickBeer...

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:44 pm
by mashani
I like birds. Good to have them back.

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:32 am
by Brewbirds
BigPapaG wrote:Hello Birdies!

Hi BigPapa, Hi Mashani I've missed you guys. We should be up and brewing in a month or so we hope. Still have to get a major remodel out of the way though.

Hope you guys are keeping an eye on the newbies so RickBeer doesn't scare them off. ;)

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:37 am
by Brewbirds
RickBeer wrote:Tweet, tweet, squawk, squawk. Freakin' bird brain blathering...


What she doesn't say is that she didn't come back until someone sent a PM to BB2 and asked if he had dumped the dumb bird. He laughed, and said "no, the old bird is still around. I will go wake her from her nap and see if she remembers how to peck on the keyboard". Then, she reappeared.

It is sad when an old bird doesn't realize that she isn't truly living without her RickBeer...
Oh! I see what you guys meant, he's gone a little rancid hasn't he.

BB2 begged me to come back before RB started trolling him.

Hi Rick honey whats new? Did you lose your pacifier again? Everything will be fine now. Have a Moose Drool and relax. :)

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:48 am
by RickBeer
In fact I just brewed a batch of Moosedrool, first batch since November 2014. Maybe that's what brought you back? If so, I will have note in my brewing journal to no longer brew it... :o

Welcome back you old twisted bird. Evily went away for a long time also (some garbage about being a newlywed then changing jobs and moving, like that doesn't give you any spare time...). So the entire female Borg contingent returned at the same time. Have to study why that is...

Most of the newbies seems to come on, ask for the Brewdemon discount, and move on. Maybe if you flash them some skin ( :worthless: , :1: ), more will return? :uwish: :lies:

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:15 am
by Brewbirds
I'm glad to hear that Evily is back on which means, I assume, that she's still brewing. Hi Evily if you see this. So is the ENTIRE female Borg contingent only two? Man we need to reach out your buddy, the Ohio fan, and get her back on. :D

I don't get why we don't have newbies coming to stay here it seems so odd since they really seemed to appreciate the help they got on that other site.
I hope it is because we have supplied so much content here collectively that they read through older threads and learn all they need to know without asking questions.

Moving was the biggest culprit to be off-Borg for so long. We got down to wire on house hunting (one month left on the lease) before this house was listed. I was pretty frantic.

We were lucky to get an offer in and accepted in the crazy hot Greenville real estate market.

The house will get pretty torn up in about two weeks to make wheelchair modifications to the bathrooms and doorways and we are going to put in a new wheelchair friendly floor.

We are both ready to start brewing as soon as the dust settles. BB2 even ordered a bunch of yeast from Label Peelers week before last. :banana:

Fortunately we had a very good brewery in Roanoke so I have plenty bottles to fill...

BBz Bottle Washer Food.JPG
BBz Bottle Washer Food.JPG (113.3 KiB) Viewed 3019 times

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:46 am
by Beer-lord
There's alb out there somewhere still I hope......that makes 3. I guess us guys scare you ladies off but we'd love to have more women brewers join the Borg.

That's a lot of bottles, you guys better get to work!

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 11:26 am
by Inkleg
Greenville! Sweet, that's a day trip. After you get settled let me know. I would love to meet both of you. Drive up, have lunch and head back. Jody and I would be happy to bring the Minions (totally up to you).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:41 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Nice to see you back!!!!

Re: Okay Moderators Okay...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:13 pm
by berryman
Great to hear from you birdie, am happy all is going well for the both of you birds.