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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 4:12 pm
by Ibasterd
D_Rabbit wrote:My co brewer who was lagering our kolsch kegged it yesterday. Didn't get a chance to taste it yet but he said it was very crisp and tasty. Gonna give it a week on the CO2 and sample next week. This was my recipe I put together a few years back and modified based on competition feedback. It will be entered in to our brew club competition where the winner gets to brew it at the local tap room and have it on tap. Looking forward to trying it.
Good luck D_Rabbit!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:43 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Brewed my Summer Honey Lemon Wheat yesterday and Thursday's mishap with the starter continued into Sunday. Got the weldless site gauge installed on the HLT and I'm happy all the strike and sparge water heated at one time and use the scale to measure out. Got up to strike temp, dumped the water into the mash cooler, started to add grain, about half, looked at a the bucket I brought stuff outside in and I see the manifold in pieces, OOPS. My pee brain tried to kind of quickly feed it onto the barb and seat it, damn that water was hot. Dumped it into bucket and got it together and back into mash tun, temp was 143, shooting for 152, for 10 mins.. Added 1/2 gallon of 180 and brought it to 146, there it sat for another 55 mins. Ended up with a little more volume but lower OG, targeted 1.047 & 5.5 g., hit 1.041 and 6 g. I'll take it.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:34 pm
by Ibasterd
Bottled my "Peu Glorieux Saison - Deux". Nelson Sauvin hops and Belle Saison Yeast. The only recipe I've brewed twice.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:35 am
by dbrowning
Brewed another Saison
This one with Belle Saison yeast and no Rye
That's 3 Saison out of my last 4
Pitched yeast at about 9pm last night
Nothing happening yet

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:42 pm
by mashani
dbrowning wrote: That's 3 Saison out of my last 4
You are turning into me in July/August.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:49 pm
by TonyKZ1
I bottled a Brew Demon Forbidden Fruit Hard Cider, tasting the leftover after filling the 8 1 liter bottles, definitely flat and somewhat weak, I probably put in too much water after pouring in the must. I imagine it'll be better in 4 weeks though. Hopefully my wife will like it, as she requested some Hard Cider. I just seen the Mr. Beer Beer of the Week - Sparkling Cerise Cider, that sounds good, might have to try that one too.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:14 pm
by Inkleg
Brewed a Belgian Blonde. Why? Couple of reasons. Haven't brewed one yet and why not. Plan on using some of the yeast slurry to brew the 4 Kilts Clueless coming up next. Bottle my Colorful Dreams IIPA from the keg till it kicked. This made room for the Czech Pale Lager that I just kegged. Sometimes it's a busy day and it just comes together.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:44 pm
by D_Rabbit
Kegged my cider. Came out well. Carving now. Will know more in a week. My saison kicked today too and I think the pumpkin beer is only few pints behind. Gonna be a few busy weeks for beer with the new stand and needing more beer!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:02 pm
by Kealia
Kegged 5G of Levitationi + a few bottles. In the words of Ice Cube, "Damn, it was a good day".

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:29 pm
by philm00x
Bottled a new batch of Tabby hefeweizen. Fermented a few degrees warmer and got the banana out of the yeast this time. Seems perfect, but only time will tell when I pop one open!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:49 pm
by Rebel_B
Brewed a batch of Smooth Rye'd IPA & dry-hopped a batch of Lemon Thyme Saison today.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:03 am
by FedoraDave
Gonna keg the Fat Tire clone this weekend, and then I'm gonna brew the Groomsman's Pride.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:46 am
by philm00x
Mashed in on some Lombard Street Swill. Woohoo, steam beer!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:02 pm
by Beer-lord
Just kegged the session beer, Disciples of Hops Series 2. Bitter of course but the nose was nice. We'll see.
Came out a tad bit higher ABV then I wanted at almost 5.25% but I'll drink to that!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:23 pm
by TonyKZ1
Just brewed a 1.7KG can of BrewDemon Wild Spirit IPA, sure smelled good going to the LBC fermenter. Now to see if my Cool Brew fermentation bag can keep it cool. This is a 2.5G batch. Too bad it's so warm out now that it has to be in the cool bag, as I imagine it'd be pretty active if I put the double bubbler airlock on it instead of the just the venting plug.