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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:02 pm
by FedoraDave
Well, I WAS gonna keg a fiver of Pfat Tyre, but I worked 10.5 hours today, and I just don't feel like it. Maybe later tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning, before I brew the Groomsman's Pride. Definitely have to brew the Groomsman's Pride tomorrow, which means I need that carboy, so the kegging must take place. Good thing it's a short and sweet procedure.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:07 pm
by RickBeer
Bottled my 5 gallons of Oktoberfest, first batch with lager yeast. 4 weeks in bottles at room temp, then a while in the frig.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:11 am
by alb
I haven't made a Citra bomb in awhile, and I kinda miss it. That'll be next up, then a White House Honey Ale clone. That oughta fill out my pipeline.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:52 pm
by berryman
Just bottled 5 gal batch of my sweet 'lil red
Image now to drink the sample

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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:56 pm
by FedoraDave
I have to check the gravity, but after 3 weeks, I'm sure the Saison D'etre is ready to be bottled. Three weeks in, and I spiked the temp early on at about 82 degrees. I'll have to be very discerning with the taste test.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:30 pm
by Inkleg
Kegged 5 gallons of Oktoberfest and Belgian Blond. Since I like to fill my kegs to 1/2 inch below the gas post, most of my recipes are for 6 gallons into the fermenter. This usually gives me FULL kegs and enough left over to put into 2 liter bottles to quick carb with one of these. Ended with extra of each so have had a chance to try both already.
The Oktoberfest is good, but the Blond, WOW even the non beer drinking wife likes it.
I scooped up a pint of the WLP500 yeast from the Blond for the Nashville brew next weekend. I'll send the Blond recipe to the BeerSmith Cloud for those interested.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:31 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Jeff, how did the carb. cap workout? I fill about the same way in the keg and dump the leftover if I can get another liter or two would be worth the cap, especially since I have a but load of MB PET bottles.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:42 pm
by Inkleg
They work out GREAT Steve, I love em.
Fill the 2 or 1 liter bottle with whats left over, leave the cap a little loose, squeeze all the air out and hit it with a gas line set to 30 psi. From there shake the snot out of it to dissolve Co2 into the beer. You will actually feel the bottle soften up as this happens. Repeat till it remains firm, then toss it in the fridge and try your beer as soon as it chills (or sooner if you just can't wait :lol: ).

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:52 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Thanks Jeff! Been looking at it at LHBS but keep telling myself nah don't need it cause I keg, never thought of filling the PET bottles with what was left.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:59 pm
by swenocha
After 35 days in the fermenter due to life and work getting in the way, I guess it's time to bottle the Kolsch. Thanks to the JC, I have had this one setting at lager temps for the last few weeks. I only hit 1.016, which is a bit shy of the 1.012 targeted, but 4.5% instead of 5%... RDWHAHB. Taste and color are great. Easy bottling day. Will look at opening one of these in August or so.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:02 pm
by Inkleg
Thought the same thing myself, till someone told me I need them BECAUSE I keg. Well duh, then the light bulb went off in my head.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:30 pm
by mashani
Even without the carbonator cap, you could just toss 2 or 3 2.5g Dominos Dots sugar cubes in a Mr. Beer 1L bottle and cap it with a twist on cap. It takes all of 2 seconds to do that, no measuring, no fuss, no mess. So no reason to dump any extra beer. I am sure Dominos Dots are easy for you to find Steve, they are all over NE oh in grocery stores. There are two different sizes, the right kind come in boxes of 198, you find them in the sugar isle. 1 per 12oz is just right for "average" carb levels. In a 1L you can go anywhere from 1 to 4 cubes to go from low test British carb to high test Belgian/Wheat beer carb.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:16 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Thought of that Mashani, but I'm "THAT" impatient guy now that I keg, I like that I can have that extra little bit and be able to give it a try before the keg is fully carbed, which I set and forget. That I can wait a week to 10 days for, since there is usually 4-5 different on tap at most times.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:09 pm
by Ibasterd
Brewed a "Rye Saison" on Father's day. Really screwd the pooch when it came to volumes though. My final volume was about 1/3 of a gallon low of my intended volume. I use bottled gallon jugs for my water. This time I used the same brand but they changed their bottle shape/design. I guess I shouldn't trust that a gallon is really a gallon unless I measure it.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:37 pm
by philm00x
Ibasterd wrote:Brewed a "Rye Saison" on Father's day. Really screwd the pooch when it came to volumes though. My final volume was about 1/3 of a gallon low of my intended volume. I use bottled gallon jugs for my water. This time I used the same brand but they changed their bottle shape/design. I guess I shouldn't trust that a gallon is really a gallon unless I measure it.
Do you use an electric heat source or propane? I've learned that with propane you gotta keep the heat just so that it won't be rolling the boil too hard. When it does, it overboils and I have to top off to make my volume. Doesn't usually affect my OG though as it was basically just more concentrated in a smaller volume.