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Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:13 pm
by joechianti
Hey, Berryman, I almost grabbed one of those 2xmas brews yesterday putting together a mixn-match 6-pack. Tell us how it is, if you would be so kind. I think I may deserve one for being halfway decent avoiding gluten half of the time.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:26 pm
by berryman
joechianti wrote:Hey, Berryman, I almost grabbed one of those 2xmas brews yesterday putting together a mixn-match 6-pack. Tell us how it is, if you would be so kind. I think I may deserve one for being halfway decent avoiding gluten half of the time.
Joe this is a good strongly spiced beer with 8% ABV , I've had it before a few times. Southern Tier is my local Brewery and the wife picked me up a mixed Six and some glasses from there. It wasn't even cold when I had it this morning but I thought it was fitting for Christmas morning. ... beer-page/
:clink: Merry Christmas :clink:

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:39 pm
by joechianti
Thanks. Sounds good. I'll have to grab a few before they're all gone. Had some Oscar Blues Dave's Pale Ale and Scoth Ale which were very good. I like to exploit the holidays as an excuse to splurge a little bit.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:30 pm
by berryman
I drove to work this morning on snow covered roads, I worked on snow removal equipment all day 1/2 of the time outside 10 to 12 degs. Came home to a very snow covered driveway, (like really deep) but I drive 4x4's, a Jeep CJ or my Ford f150 with good tires so I just pulled up the driveway and parked and will plow the driveway tomorrow with the tractor. We can get in and out if needed tonight but for now I'm drinking some beer..... :)

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:14 pm
by FedoraDave
I sold a commercial pest control job on Wednesday. It's worth $4300 annually, and I did the initial service today, which gives me an extra $700 in production for the month. With the commission on the sale, and the production for working the start, I'll be getting enough "found money" to replace the ManCave TV that burned out earlier this week. It was a 30-year-old TV, so it didn't owe me anything, and now I can get an HD flat screen.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:16 pm
by FedoraDave
berryman wrote:I drove to work this morning on snow covered roads, I worked on snow removal equipment all day 1/2 of the time outside 10 to 12 degs. Came home to a very snow covered driveway, (like really deep) but I drive 4x4's, a Jeep CJ or my Ford f150 with good tires so I just pulled up the driveway and parked and will plow the driveway tomorrow with the tractor. We can get in and out if needed tonight but for now I'm drinking some beer..... :)
Yeah, you definitely deserve a homebrew. I've had to work outdoors in the cold, too, and I know it's no fun at all. Take it easy tonight, my friend. The snow will still be there tomorrow.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:50 am
by alb
My boss resigned today. Good boss that I considered to be a good friend as well. She flew cover between her staff and the upper management. We saw things alike and she could always talk me down from the ledge, you know? I always told her if she leaves, I leave. Tonight I started updating my resume. Crap. I’m in a funk.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:31 am
by FedoraDave
Sorry to hear that, Li'l Sis. I've had similar situations, where I've just really clicked with my boss, and then, for whatever reason, they leave. It really makes you feel like you're lost at sea.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:44 am
by John Sand
Sorry to hear that Alb. You describe a good supervisor, looking after her people. Not too common. Can she take you with her? Even if not, every setback is an opportunity. I know that sounds cliche, but I've had many setbacks, and learned that they are a wake-up call to move on. If you change jobs, in a year you may be thrilled. And keep in touch with your old boss, you never know what may turn up. Keep us posted.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:27 am
by mashani
Sorry to hear Alb. Years ago I was the guy who stood up for my good employees until the very end. And I got rewarded by being the person that upper management volunteered to shut down our location as a condition of my severance package, and ultimately manage the scrappers who tore the place apart at the end. That totally sucked. Got offered relocation package, did not take it, took severance, and left.

Anyways, I deserve a homebrew because I found some big cat (I mean big cat like mountain lion) tracks out skiing. Not supposed to have them here. But they were big, round, with asymmetrical toe placement, had no claw marks, as in the critter could retract them and were as big as my fist, IE 3.5" tracks. Glad I did not actually meet said critter.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:54 am
by John Sand
Definitely brew worthy Mash. What do you do in case of an encounter? Would you carry a pistol? Bear spray? Some kind of noise maker? The only dangerous animals on Long Island are people, and rarely dogs. Those I can handle unarmed.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:32 pm
by mashani
I would never expect to run into such a critter here, so I've never assumed I needed to be prepared. Probably it would not show it's face around people anyways, but I will look at tree branches more carefully before I ski under them for a while now LOL.

All I can figure is it wandered from over the PA border which happens with black bears once in a while. Wandering black bears I do not worry about, they are just silly boys who have no girl friend. They won't bother me as long as I don't bother them. I've only run into one of them here once that I am aware of... I went my way, he went his way, that was it.

We have coyotes but they are harmless (unless you are a small creature) and will run away if you even manage to see them. I've had coyotes shadow me on my skiis, but that was more of a case of curiosity as far as I can tell, they maintained a large distance and never showed aggressive posturing.

We might get a bobcat once in a while that wanders up from the south, but I've never seen one.

Most likely critter to injure me would be a deer that jumps out of the woods into my path/me, or some morons unsocialized dog that they let off leash. I've had close encounters with both out cycling and skiing (I have actually "wrecked" on purpose to avoid running head on into deer that jumped in front... better a "controlled" wreck vs. head on at full speed).

I wish some wolves would wander down here, as they would help our ecosystem (overrun by deer) tremendously. But folks are ignorant about wolves and would freak out.

Now when I visit my relatives in the "wilds" of PA, I bring pepper spray but mostly I just make a lot of noise when hiking in the woods to make sure they know I'm around - most anything if they know you are there will avoid you - and stay away from anyplace that I think there might be a mamma and cubs which is just a matter of "awareness / being mindful". Mama is who's going to *$& you up. If I lived there and spent lots of time in the woods I'd probably carry a handgun, but it would be as a last resort - I'd prefer to deal with any encounter in a way that left the rarer types of wildlife intact. We don't have enough of such creatures anymore in my view.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:53 pm
by John Sand
I agree, and I don't advocate hunting them (big cats). But if they're hunting me I want something to say about it!

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:31 pm
by alb
The plumber never showed up to install the new bathroom vanity, unclog the slow shower drain, and fix the unlevel toilet. Talked to his boss who is out of town and couldn’t come himself. He’s mad too. Apparently the guy is sick but didn’t bother to call and let anybody know. I know it’s tough when you’re sick but unless you’re in the hospital, I think you can pick up a phone. I hope they’ll give some me consideration when the bill comes around.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:27 pm
by D_Rabbit
Because my wife made me install a ceiling fan/light in the bedroom and hang curtins in the basement. AND wanted to help which made the process and argument and slow as hell. 2 hour project turned in to an all day free for all!