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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:43 pm
by BlackDuck
Brewed the Kiwi Express IPA from Northern Brewer today. Missed my OG by a couple points. Should have been 1061 and I came in at 1057. No biggie to me though. All those New Zealand hops smelled wonderful.

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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:51 pm
by RedBEERd
I swear on a bucket full of hops I'm going to NZ one day. BIG BUCKET LISTER

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:53 am
by FedoraDave
I usually bottle/keg on Saturdays, but I worked nearly 8 hours yesterday, and was too tired and sore when I got home to do anything. I've got to bottle the Tennessee Cream Ale this morning, and then I'm gonna turn it right around and brew a batch of 100 Years War IPA. Good thing it's an extract recipe; that'll save me some time and effort, and it's a darn good beer, too!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:59 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Gonna keg the Traveling Irish Red, brew 11 g batch Beyond The Dark Dry Irish Stout. Swirl up a slurry of yeast cake from the Red and add half to each bucket.

Wet, rainy, chilly, didn't feel like dragging all the stuff out to the garage yesterday. So it is put off till next Saturday the Red can still use time for the yeast to cleanup, but I did some straightening up in the basement putting away bulk grain in storage bins and buckets cleaning some kegs and fermenting buckets.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:14 pm
by docpd
Cooling the wort now on my Honey Bourbon Dark Ale
1 can Mr Beer Winter Dark Ale
1 lb dark DME
s-04 yeast
.25 oz EKG 20 min
.25 EKG 10 min
Will soak 1/2 oz of oak cubes in Jim Beam Honey Bourbon for 2 weeks then add to fermenter for 1 week.

I am sorry Mr Beer is discontinuing their Winter Dark Ale. It made a great base for this beer. This is one of my favorite Hopped extract based beers.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:01 pm
by TonyKZ1
Saturday I bottled a Big Furry DribbleChin Brown Ale (sort of a Moose Drool clone) and a Mush Mouth Oatmeal Stout, both 1G Extract w/steeping grains recipes from Jasper's Homebrew Supply. I then brewed a Summit Single Hop IPA and their Every Day IPA, both 1G AG recipes from Brooklyn Brewshop.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:35 am
by mashani
docpd wrote:I am sorry Mr Beer is discontinuing their Winter Dark Ale. It made a great base for this beer. This is one of my favorite Hopped extract based beers.
That was actually the best of those craft refills IMHO. I liked it too. The rest of them taste like Pride of Ringwood. I've got one of the Diablos in my new "mini cooper" fermenter as a base for a beer just because it came for "free" with the fermenter I found at a garage sale. I diluted it and added some late hops to try to cover it up, but I know that the POR is going to bug me anyways. But I'll drink it. But I'd have liked it better if the Winter Dark was what came with it.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:05 pm
by Crazy Climber
Bummer; I didn't know they were discontinuing Winter Dark.
I have also used that as a base for a few different beers and was never disappointed with the results. In fact, it was decent, straight-up, IMO.
That's the only refill I've purchased from Mr. Beer in the past few years. I probably would have bought one next winter if a suitable sale came up. Oh, well...

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:25 pm
by jimjohson
Just finished brewing my White O' Morn Porter

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:44 pm
by Kealia
Nada since my first batch in my new mash tun a few weeks ago.

Lots of beer on hand although I think my Levitation and Mosaic Pale Ale kegs are close to kicking

What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:49 pm
by Rebel_B
Rebel_B wrote:Finished for today. Brewed an IPA with 73% Red X malt, 27% Pale malt; Columbus bittering hops & Cascade aroma hops, with Wyeast 1098 British Ale yeast.
The attachment ImageUploadedByTapatalk1456695485.719992.jpg is no longer available
First pour of this ale after 5 days carbonating... Darker than I expected, I get the aroma from the Amarillo & Mosaic dry hops. Grainy taste, more bitter than I expected. Tannins extracted?
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1458269368.998962.jpg (234.47 KiB) Viewed 2049 times

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:26 am
by BlackDuck
The mash in on. Brewing a Czech Pilsner. Starting with 100% distilled water and adding back a teeny weeny bit of treatments to get a really clean water profile. Gonna be interesting how this finally ends up.

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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:47 pm
by TonyKZ1
I just bottled a 1G Snowy Mountain Pale Ale (Sierra Nevada Clone) and a 1G Stars & Stripes American IPA and brewed a 5G Tax Relief Ale, all Extract w/ Steeping grains recipes from Jasper's. The Tax Relief Ale's description & info was kinda humorous referring to filing taxes...

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:26 pm
by BlackDuck
Finished up the Pilsner missed my gravity number a bit. Seems I didn't crush the grain as good as I thought. It should come in at 4.1% ABV. It make a perfect summer Pilsner. Here's the gravity sample.

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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:03 am
by FedoraDave
Kegged the Crown Top Pale Ale yesterday, and today I'm brewing a batch of South Ferry Steam Beer.