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Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:44 pm
by John Sand
Alb, sorry that I live too far to help.
Rabbit, I hung a new dining room light on Friday, removing the old ceiling fan first. It was one of the few times in this old house that I replaced something which was properly installed. But the Mrs stayed clear.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:57 pm
by John Sand
I deserve a HB because: I was put in my place today, humorously. Our yacht club is a working club. Today we had a work party to repair winter damage. An old steam-fitter drove me to his house to pick up a drill press. It was a large tool, with an iron stand and bed. When it came time to load it, I joked: "I thought you guys invited me to work parties for my charm and intelligence." He replied: "Yeah, you're using them right now. Pick up that drill press."
It did make me laugh. Then I picked up the drill press. We didn't even get the standard two beers with lunch, cause we kept working after. I did have a beer as soon as I got home though.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:34 pm
by FedoraDave
Good story, John!

I'm glad this thread is still alive and kicking. It gets buried a little now and then, but then gets resurrected (well, it IS Easter weekend...) and I like to see what people are doing that deserves a homebrew.

Me, I got a lot done today, including having two contractors come in and take a look at the horrible state of our bathroom and promise to give us estimates on a complete renovation. We've been talking about this for years, and now we're finally going to get this done. It's long overdue. Both SWMBO and I hate this kind of ordeal, which is one reason why we've put it off this long. But no longer. It's going to get done this year, and today was the first step in the process.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:22 am
by RickBeer
Taxes done (yeah!), refund coming (boo, overpaid estimated taxes giving IRS and state free loans). Once SWMBO signs the state return (I refuse to pay to E-File), seal the envelope and we're good to go.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:02 am
by D_Rabbit
You have to pay to e-file? Ouch. We had our refund within a week of e-filing. If i owed I would do it via check. I'll take their money fast but just like them I will make them wait for it if i have to pay them :)

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:12 am
by RickBeer
There are very few states that offer free E-file, while the IRS does. If you're paying someone to do your taxes, you're not getting "free" e-file. I do them myself.

I don't mail checks to the government, when you do your taxes you can authorize a withdrawal. For estimated payments, the IRS and many states offer e-payment, so the funds don't come out until the due date.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:28 am
by Beer-lord
Wish I got a refund. I never seem to although I take more out of my check than I need to, make less money than I have in a few years and seem to pay taxes out the wazoo. I owe $1100 this year! Fark me!
I need to quit working and sit on the side of the street with a sign, a cup and a free government phone.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:16 pm
by RickBeer
I'd rather owe. Most years I do. Put the money to work in the market instead of giving it to the IRS or the state. But as a self-employed person, I need to withhold my own taxes, so it's usually safest to just do 100% of last year. If you make more, you owe, if you make less, you get a refund.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:48 am
by FedoraDave
...I drove SWMBO down to New York City so she could go to our daughter's bridal tea, and then I drove daughter with all her gifts and goodies to Brooklyn and helped her unload all those gifts and goodies. My entire afternoon/evening was spent being a chauffeur/pack mule.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:20 am
by RickBeer
FedoraDave wrote:My entire afternoon/evening was spent being a chauffeur/pack mule.
And your point is what? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:47 am
by FedoraDave
RickBeer wrote:
FedoraDave wrote:My entire afternoon/evening was spent being a chauffeur/pack mule.
And your point is what? :lol: :lol: :lol:
My point is it's a good reason to drink homebrew. I'm not seeing a problem with this.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:51 am
by D_Rabbit
Because I spent Saturday cleaning my garage and it looks great. The Mrs. threw her back out again last weekend which meant a week of carrying the extra load and doing projects this weekend without much of her help. I may need a few hours at the brewery to help wind down!

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:49 am
by FedoraDave
D_Rabbit wrote:Because I spent Saturday cleaning my garage and it looks great. The Mrs. threw her back out again last weekend which meant a week of carrying the extra load and doing projects this weekend without much of her help. I may need a few hours at the brewery to help wind down!
That's one of the things you do when you're a helpmeet. I hope your bride feels better soon, and I also hope you get some "Dan Time" this weekend. That's just as important as being a mensch.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:52 am
by John Sand
Because I jury rigged and safely deployed a davit to hoist my dinghy onto my car. The parts are a basketball hoop, 10' 4x4, one block (pulley) and some line. The block on one end of the 4x4 sticks through the hoop, and is lashed to the base. The dinghy was raised, the car pulled beneath, nothing was damaged. Next time I'll use two blocks for better mechanical advantage.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:54 pm
by D_Rabbit
John Sand wrote:Because I jury rigged and safely deployed a davit to hoist my dinghy onto my car. The parts are a basketball hoop, 10' 4x4, one block (pulley) and some line. The block on one end of the 4x4 sticks through the hoop, and is lashed to the base. The dinghy was raised, the car pulled beneath, nothing was damaged. Next time I'll use two blocks for better mechanical advantage.
I'm confused by this so I will just say this allows me to have a homebrew too :)