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Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:48 am
by teutonic terror
This is an old stand by for me!

Very hoppy not really bitter.

BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout -
Recipe: Sorachi Again 1.1 (1.2)
Brewer: JohnEC
Asst Brewer:
Style: American IPA
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (30.0) Loved this beer! Wish I could make 10 gallons!
Might be the house beer!

Recipe Specifications
Boil Size: 8.22 gal
Post Boil Volume: 5.72 gal
Batch Size (fermenter): 5.50 gal
Bottling Volume: 5.50 gal
Estimated OG: 1.067 SG
Estimated Color: 5.8 SRM
Estimated IBU: 87.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 72.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 72.0 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amt Name Type # %/IBU
13 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 1 96.4 %
8.0 oz Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain 2 3.6 %
0.30 oz Magnum [12.10 %] - First Wort 60.0 min Hop 3 14.4 IBUs
1.00 oz Sorachi Ace [12.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 4 26.3 IBUs
0.50 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 5 -
1.00 oz Sorachi Ace [12.60 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 6 22.6 IBUs
1.00 oz Sorachi Ace [12.60 %] - Boil 9.0 min Hop 7 15.1 IBUs
1.00 oz Sorachi Ace [12.60 %] - Boil 5.0 min Hop 8 9.1 IBUs
1.0 pkg California Ale (White Labs #WLP001) [35. Yeast 9 -
1.50 oz Sorachi Ace [12.60 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 Days Hop 10 0.0 IBUs

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 14 lbs
Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Mash In Add 19.25 qt of water at 171.8 F 156.0 F 60 min

Sparge: Batch sparge with 2 steps (0.98gal, 4.11gal) of 168.0 F water

Created with BeerSmith 2 -

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:44 pm
by Beer-lord
Brewed a 11 gallon batch of Drop Kick Nate but it ended up being 11.75 gallons. I beat my OG by 11 points and can't figure out why since I overshot my volume. I did add 1/2 lb more malt but come on, that doesn't make 11 points.
I did use RO water for the first time so can that make a difference? I shot for 5.4 ph and got 5.5 so I left it alone. It's a 'smelly' pale ale so I think 5.5 should be more than fine. Don't want this too bitter.
We won't have too many more weekends like this one weather wises but I'll be brewing more in the coming weeks. El Nino has been very good to us.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:22 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Kegged 5 gallons plus of Beyond The Dark Extra and 5 gallons Beyond the Dark BB dry Irish Stout. Extra is w/Organic Chocolate liquid extract 2 oz and the BB is aging in a recently emptied whiskey barrel, which had a bottle of bourbon dumped in and rotated til I filled it today.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:56 pm
by jimjohson
My Shelleigh Irish Red Ale. finished way lower than expected, I got a 6.5% brew out of it. :banana:

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:01 pm
by TonyKZ1
I recently bought some Mr. Beer 1 Liter bottles off of Craigslist. I had asked my daughter to pick them up for me as they were several hours from me but close to her. The guy said he'd throw some other stuff in with the bottles. She came home last night and brought me several boxes of bottles, couple packages of pop-off bottle caps, an older LBK, and two old Mr. Beer refills-a Vienna Lager and a Canadian Draft along with 2 packages of rock hard sugar booster. The cans looked nice, so I thought what the heck, I brewed them up along with the booster today. In case the yeast was too old, I split a package of Safale S-04 between them. :banana:

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:46 am
by jimjohson
We're bottling 6 gal of a Blueberry Wine today, and another 6 gal of an American Wheat tomorrow

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:38 am
by MrBandGuy
Brewing up a Kentucky Common today. Debated on the yeast a bit, but decided S-04 would work to keep it easy.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:39 am
by Dawg LB Steve
5.5 G The Mather Steamship Cali-Common today, beautiful cloudless sky in the 70's finally!

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:27 pm
by FrozenInTime
Not a darn thang. Got me grains all ground up, hops measured out, stuck head in fridge and poooooop, I'm outa yeast. LHBS won't be open til wens..... great planing on my part.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:59 am
by John Sand
I hope you got your yeast FiT.
I'm making another Busted Wing Pale. Both of last year's one hand brews failed, hoping for better this time.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:15 pm
by FrozenInTime
Got 'er done, one 5 gallon bubbling away, Summer Blonde. I need to do some/alot of drinking and get some kegs empty. WAY too many cobwebs on my equipment.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:28 pm
by Kealia
Saturday I plan on brewing BlackDuck's Four Point Pale Ale. I had to make a few minor tweaks to account for what my Organic LHBS had in stock but it's essentially the same beer.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:02 pm
by Inkleg
Kealia wrote:Saturday I plan on brewing BlackDuck's Four Point Pale Ale.
Oooooh, that's a good one.

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:31 pm
by BlackDuck
I'm sure it will come out fine with your changes! Can't wait to hear how it come out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: What are you brewing/bottling?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:48 pm
by Kealia
Yeah, well I just noticed that they gave me C-60 instead of C-80 too so make that 3 changes. Arrgh, tree-hugging hippies. That's what I get for going to my local shop in Santa Cruz, that's all organic on 4/20 to pick something up that needs to be specific!