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Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:49 pm
by Stinkfist
I have a Pliny Clone (from Morebeer) Dry Hopping right now ;) Can't wait to get this one in the keg and tapped ;) I did edit it a little to make it more like Pliny the some more grain and added amarillo hops, both in the boil and the dry hop

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:24 am
by Inkleg
@Stinkfist, this beer comes out amazing dry hopped in the keg for the second dry hop.
If you haven't done it before, I'll see if I can find a thread I did on keg hopping and link it here.
Last time I put 1oz of each, Centennial, Simcoe and Amarillo in the keg. The beer was great, but the aroma put it over the top.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:56 am
by MadBrewer
I brewed the BCS Pliney Clone twice now, once as a smaller batch and once as a full size 6 gal batch. Man is that an expesive beer to make. I used a full pound of hops for the beer. It was almost undrinkable early on, but after aging and mellowing out a bit it was pretty damn good.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:09 am
by Kealia
All this Pliny talk.....I'm going to have to take a day trip to RR soon to get my Pliny on tap. Fresh bottles are good, but fresh draught makes me drool.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:33 am
by Beer-lord
Kealia wrote:All this Pliny talk.....I'm going to have to take a day trip to RR soon to get my Pliny on tap. Fresh bottles are good, but fresh draught makes me drool.
Braggard! That's ok, the color 'envious green' has started to look good on me.
That's actually on my beer-bucket list but I can't say when I'll be back in Cali. Gotta win the lottery first. Nope, first I have to buy the ticket, then win the lottery!

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:34 pm
by Kealia
If you make it out here, I'm buying.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:59 pm
by Brewbirds
Yummmm Inklegs Pliny....Shear Nirvana.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:24 pm
by John Sand
I'm probably better than halfway through a keg of Northern Brewer's Pliny Clone, extract+grains recipe. It's pretty wonderful. I have yet to compare it to my lonely hoarded bottle of Pliny, but this is one great brew. It did take a couple of weeks to settle down. At first, it tasted just like grapefruit juice- I mean, not citrus hoppy beer, just grapefruit juice. But after a couple of weeks in the keg it just changed to something else, still fruity, citrus hops, but more complex. And definitely beer.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:34 pm
by Kealia
How long are you hoarding that bottle? You likely know this already but Pliny is best when consumed young/fresh. Over time the aroma fades which is one of the best parts of this beer.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:59 pm
by John Sand
Not much longer. I was gifted it in September. I saved it until I brewed my own. Then I thought I would share it and the homebrew at a club meeting. But there is no meeting scheduled, so it may be sacrificed tonight. My primary taster (and wife) will have a chance to compare them.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:51 pm
by Kealia
Ahh, you definitely won't get the aroma that a fresh one would give you then. I've never had one that "old" so I can't tell you what else to expect but I know that even after the first month or so the aroma fades a bit.

But, even if it is *different* from a fresh one it shoudl still be good. Enjoy!

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:04 pm
by John Sand
Thanks. We did drink it tonight. The Pliny is very good, probably has faded some. It is 6.5 months old. The homebrew is 33 days old, and definitely tasted better. But they were quite similar, I would recommend the NB recipe to anyone.

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:34 pm
by John Sand
I brewed a minimash variation of the HBT recipe today:
3# pale
8oz C40
8oz carapils
6.4# DME
12oz corn sugar (late addition)
2oz Warrior 16% @60
1oz Columbus 15% @45
1oz Simcoe 12% @20
4oz Zeus leaf (unknown AA) @0
Twenty minutes covered
I used a boil over for color :)
It's finishing cooling on the back steps. (It's cold!) Mash temp was all over, gravity about right. I used extract because I have it, chose the hops for the same reason. The dry hops will be dribs and remnants of C hops. The partial mash also made it easy to do one more batch before devoting the next couple of weeks to the boat. I mashed while starting the extract boil. The whole thing took three hours.
Has anyone used "Centennial Type" for dry hopping?

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 3:35 pm
by Beer-lord
Are you talking about C hops for dry hopping Pliny or just any beer? I love C hops for dry hopping and Columbus and Citra are some of my favorites. My Pliny recipe calls for Columbus, Centennial and Simcoe as dry hops.
Yummy, yummy, yummy I've got hops in my tummy!

Re: Pliny the Elder

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 4:08 pm
by John Sand
Thanks BL. I have some hops labeled "Centennial Type". HBT sources say they are a mix of Cascade and Columbus produced when Centennial are in short supply. After I posted here, I searched HBT and found general approval of them. I actually have several ounces of Centennial, but they have been open for a while. Even though they've been refrigerated in a ziploc, they seem to have lost some aroma. I have some partial packs of several C hops, I think I will use them for dry hopping. This whole recipe has helped use up existing supplies. Then I can order lots more hops!