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Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:04 pm
by FedoraDave
Because I worked 13.5 hours today, and I'm working tomorrow, too, and I don't know when I'll be done. It's not the volume of work tomorrow, it's the drive time. But it all has to get done, no matter how long it takes.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:42 pm
by mashani
Because I did HIIT sprint intervals on the track with kids 1/3rd my age. 4 super sets of 8 sets each. Each set 20 seconds all out, 10 seconds slow jog/fast walk. 1 minute rest between each superset. It all looked like this. Now I think I'm going to cough up a lung. Time for a homebrew.
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Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:47 pm
by jimjohson

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:14 pm
by D_Rabbit
Because the sink is installed in my beer closet and there are no leaks... yet! Tasty Saison action.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 7:45 pm
by berryman
Because I got pulled over in my Jeep on my way Home from work by a NYS Trooper, Said License, registration and insurance card, which I already had out (I know the drill :) ) Then he said the reason he pulled me over was because I wasn't wearing a seat belt. I said yes I am, I always wear it and pointed to it, then he looks up and see's no shoulder strap. I informed him that this Jeep never had a shoulder harness because they didn't put them in as OEM until '81 or '82. He asked what year it was I said '80. He said have a nice day and went back to his car. No $100 ticket for him to write for me.........That's the main reason I won't drink and drive because you never know what you might be pulled over for.............But I do drink a lot of Beer and drinking some home brewed Lager right now that I've waited for almost 3 months to try and it is good....................... :clink:
Edit: He never did look at my papers, he looked at the window stickers which says the year. He seemed like a good guy for a State trooper.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:05 pm
by John Sand
You are wise to wear your seatbelt.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:32 pm
by berryman
John Sand wrote:You are wise to wear your seatbelt.
Not 100% Because I Want too, but because I don't want the hefty fine and I think it is 3 points on your license now. I'm big on safety but I hate somebody telling me what I have to do for my own safety, just like wearing a helmet on my motorcycle, it should be up to me not the overpaid law makers that have never done any of it...........Sorry just a little political rant :)

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 9:12 pm
by John Sand
Actually I'm right there with you. I think laws should protect us from others, not ourselves. But I spent 22 years as a cop and saw hundreds of accident scenes. I was often amazed at how effective seatbelts and airbags are at saving lives.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 10:12 pm
by jimjohson
Berry while I agree it should be your choice helmet or not. I won't ride with out one. Kind of like John I been the first on too many accidents. Not even a cop, just trained in first aid (a long time ago) and a strong sense of duty. (I didn't take the classes just to stand around wringing my hands). I've been in 8 (only 2 of which had fatalities)....I don't know how John stands it.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 11:26 pm
by The_Professor
berryman wrote:
John Sand wrote:You are wise to wear your seatbelt.
Not 100% Because I Want too, but because I don't want the hefty fine and I think it is 3 points on your license now. I'm big on safety but I hate somebody telling me what I have to do for my own safety, just like wearing a helmet on my motorcycle, it should be up to me not the overpaid law makers that have never done any of it...........Sorry just a little political rant :)
MANY years ago I read the story about someone on a moped that fell over and hit their head on a curb and died. I figured I would wear my helmet so I didn't do that.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:35 pm
by RickBeer
I agree with free choice - but if one chooses to not wear a seatbelt or a helmet then one should also agree to not burden the medical system should one get into an accident - in other words, if you can 100% pay for it out of your pocket that's great, but having your insurance company or Medicare pay for it means all of the rest of us share the decision - and that's not fair to the rest of society. We should have the choice not to pay for the injuries, no?

But of course that would make everyone accountable to everyone else for his/her actions, and that will never happen.

2 sides to every coin.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 7:13 pm
by berryman
Because I am polishing My Motor bike and Helmet so I can start riding next week :clink:
Image and drinking a few American Style Lagers that I did a bad pour on this one. :)

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:35 pm
by TonyKZ1
Is it finally getting warm enough to ride up there? I rode mine to work today, well I do that most days of the year, but anyhow. It was a nice ride to work, 30 miles each way of mostly hilly & curvy rural highways. I'm enjoying my beers (BD Nut Brown Ale and a MB American Lager) now after working all day, and doing chores at the barn when I got home.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:14 pm
by berryman
TonyKZ1 wrote:Is it finally getting warm enough to ride up there?
Not really, not for me atleast, but I'm going to do it next week. nice looking bike you got there. A nut brown sounds good right about now and I don't have any............ :(

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:18 pm
by mashani
I've ridden this:
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366 miles so far this month. With a helmet. I'm hard wired to put a helmet on, my butt doesn't hit the seat of my bike without it on my head. I do it for safety, but even if you did not and were a serious rider, in most competitions that would instantly DQ you. After this weekend it will be into the 400+ mile range for my monthly total unless I get lazy. I'm planning on a 50 miler at pace if I can block out enough time.

And when I say ride, I mean like this (on flats/false flats) these days (this was from a ride yesterday). Higher top ends, but similar averages on rollers.
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This is why I drink homebrew. Just the cycling, without even the running, swimming, etc... is like a 15,000+ calorie deficit I have to make up or vaporize.