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Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:01 pm
by wollffy
JimH wrote:So, I have been wanting to do an all grain batch, and I have a 1 gallon fermenter that is perfect for BIAB "experimental" batches. I was thinking of doing up a SMaSH just to learn a little more. Never used MO, but I hear it's good. I don't know if it is good for IPA's though. And of course, Falconer's is one of my favorite hops, so I thought it would be nice to try this out. I don't have a specific recipe, I was just trying to get some ideas for an AG approach. Something like 2-3 lbs of grains, and FF to the bitterness level I feel like achieving. Right now I am drinking an Imperial IPA, so that might be pushing me want to just amp up the FF and hop my face off. Maybe Beer-lord or the other hop heads can talk me over the edge, or someone else more moderate can talk me off of it.
What is SMaSH?
Single malt and single hops only?

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:09 pm
by Gymrat
wollffy wrote:
JimH wrote:So, I have been wanting to do an all grain batch, and I have a 1 gallon fermenter that is perfect for BIAB "experimental" batches. I was thinking of doing up a SMaSH just to learn a little more. Never used MO, but I hear it's good. I don't know if it is good for IPA's though. And of course, Falconer's is one of my favorite hops, so I thought it would be nice to try this out. I don't have a specific recipe, I was just trying to get some ideas for an AG approach. Something like 2-3 lbs of grains, and FF to the bitterness level I feel like achieving. Right now I am drinking an Imperial IPA, so that might be pushing me want to just amp up the FF and hop my face off. Maybe Beer-lord or the other hop heads can talk me over the edge, or someone else more moderate can talk me off of it.
What is SMaSH?
Single malt and single hops only?

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:16 pm
by wollffy
Thanks GymRat.
These sound like some yummy brew types.

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:05 pm
by bcltoys
I'm going to make a smash this week-end Maris Otter and Amarillo. 2.5 gallon batch with 8# of Mo and 2oz of amarillo .50 at 60min,.50 at 30min,.50 at 5min,.50 dry hop at 21 day's or so then bottle at 28 day's or so. If it turn's out Falconer will be up next.

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:01 pm
by Ibasterd
Hey JimH. How did this turn out? I am planning on almost an identical SMaSH. Phill was helping me out. Would love to know how yours turned out. I will have to come up with a different name besides MOFF diver though.

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:33 pm
by JimH
It turned out fantastic. I had a hiccup with the all grain experience, but it still turned out well. Very smooth and simple, but since Falconer's is a blend of several varieties, it added a "simple complexity" if that is even a real term. I liked it and the MO backbone was perfect for the FF.

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:37 pm
by Ibasterd
JimH wrote:It turned out fantastic. I had a hiccup with the all grain experience, but it still turned out well. Very smooth and simple, but since Falconer's is a blend of several varieties, it added a "simple complexity" if that is even a real term. I liked it and the MO backbone was perfect for the FF.
Sweet! That is encouraging. What hop schedule did you end up using? Would you consider it ending up resembling an IPA of sorts?

Re: Maris Otter and Falconer's Flight SMaSH

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:50 pm
by JimH
I did 60 minute boil. 1/4 each for a FWH, 30, 15, 5. It wasn't quite the IIPA I was shooting for, but it was a good IPA.