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Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:49 pm
by Beer-lord
FedoraDave wrote: That doesn't mean I want to hang out with 16-year-olds.
The joke would be, they didn't make 16 year olds like they do now. But the reality is, you're quite right. There's a time and a place for everything and it's up to each one to know when that time has come.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:15 pm
by joechianti
jimjohson wrote:
FedoraDave wrote: That doesn't mean I want to hang out with 16-year-olds.
Grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!
So true.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:56 am
by BlackDuck
For me...the MB forum wasn't what helped me out so much when I started brewing, no it wasn't the forum. It was the PEOPLE that used the forum. It was Dave for doing the RCE's. It was Trollby, who I was paired with for my first RCE, who taught me how to steep grains on my THIRD batch. It was BPGreen, it was Dag, it was Beer-lord...I could go on and on and on with names.

The forum was simply the method of communication. And that method went away, and Leigh started this. And low and behold, almost all of those great people came here, so I did too. If everyone left here and went back to the MB forum, I would go back too. Not because it was the forum that got me to return, I would return to stay close to my friends. But I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

For me, it wouldn't matter how we communicate, just as long as we do. I have made great friends via brewing. And I am grateful for that.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:21 am
by truckndad
I can still get in they too. But it is something I've outgrown and I haven't used any of these products since the very beginning of the new stuff. I want to impressed so I never bought any more. I might still pop in there once in a while though. Say things like, it's ok to leave it in the leg for three weeks, those are just that islands so quit looking at it and leave it alone, blah blah blah. Times like right after Fathers Day I might go on again. Maybe nudge them over here or to hbt, but other than that I don't see much reason for me to be hanging out over there

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:00 pm
by teutonic terror
BlackDuck wrote:For me...the MB forum wasn't what helped me out so much when I started brewing, no it wasn't the forum. It was the PEOPLE that used the forum. It was Dave for doing the RCE's. It was Trollby, who I was paired with for my first RCE, who taught me how to steep grains on my THIRD batch. It was BPGreen, it was Dag, it was Beer-lord...I could go on and on and on with names.

The forum was simply the method of communication. And that method went away, and Leigh started this. And low and behold, almost all of those great people came here, so I did too. If everyone left here and went back to the MB forum, I would go back too. Not because it was the forum that got me to return, I would return to stay close to my friends. But I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

For me, it wouldn't matter how we communicate, just as long as we do. I have made great friends via brewing. And I am grateful for that.

:urock: :clink:

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:45 pm
by FrozenInTime
truckndad wrote: Times like right after Fathers Day I might go on again. Maybe nudge them over here or to hbt, but other than that I don't see much reason for me to be hanging out over there
Careful, that is what got me banned from that very crappy site that represents a very crappy POR.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:12 pm
by Crazy Climber
I haven't posted there in 17 months -- basically, since joining here. Their new renovations look good, maybe not as good as it was originally, but much improved.

As some others have said, I have basically outgrown their products so I don't know how much help I would be over there regarding the current product line -- although I did buy the fall '14 seasonal during a free shipping sale, and I do like their Winter Dark as a base for additions. But maybe I'll break my boycott and take a stab at offering process advice to newbs. Like I always say, today's newbs are potentially tomorrow's old friends.

I doubt, however, that I'll spend a ton of time hanging out there. This is "home" now.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:48 pm
by docpd
I noted the improvements as well and have been going back from time to time to help where I can. It is always nice to help a new brewer get started. All of us here are fairly experienced so the discussions are more useful to me, but I still like to give back so I will continue to visit Mr B from time to time.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:36 pm
by joechianti
docpd wrote:I noted the improvements as well and have been going back from time to time to help where I can. It is always nice to help a new brewer get started. All of us here are fairly experienced so the discussions are more useful to me, but I still like to give back so I will continue to visit Mr B from time to time.
That's pretty much how I feel. My friends are here, but the big population of newbies is there. I don't see myself going there for Mr Beer, but rather for the new brewers who I might be able to help as I was helped when I needed it. Also can't see myself as a customer, either. I can't wait to finish using up all the extracts I bought on fire sale before I realized that fresh grains were just as inexpensive as HME on fire sale.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:08 pm
by DaYooper
Herr, I would LOVE to see the letter you received from MrB. Didnt know it was THAT bad. Especially with you being a people person and all.

I have tried to stay a bit in touch over there for the newbies, especially so they dont end up thinking brewing sucks and quit. The whole "pay it forward" thing. Takes minimal time and more people are starting to advance and answering the "stupid" questions.

I have not given up completely and will buy their products (and BDs) when the sale price is right. Have been stocking up on those for when I hopefully begin a new chapter in my life and dont have as much time to brew - even a 60 minute extract boil - as feel (fear) I will be pretty darned busy until the next snowfall hits. Ive never had a problem with HMEs. Yes, I would rather AG (when I have lots of time) or do my own extract recipes (when I just have time), but when I have no time I would rather kick something out quickly that is pretty good than not brew at all.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:06 pm
by jimjohson
Won't say I won't ever do an extract, but I see no reason to buy a MrB. (with the exception being for a RCE) IMO it's just too much $, for not enough ale.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:20 pm
by Tabasco
I'll check it out ... but I do agree with what Louie said ... brand loyalty is not necessary here.

I haven't done any extract brewing in ages, but I was thinking of getting some HME's soon as I need a break. However, I'm leaning towards the old MrB refills (Brew Demon), rather than the new (Cooper's).

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:30 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
I found the Borg thru the Mr Beer forum, glad I did. As far as their product I still have 2 HME's but after I think my third batch I moved to the Borg and onto DME and steeped grains, to full mashes. I occasionally checked in to see what was happening over their and saw the new brewers were still being taken care of by some of our fellow Borg members, and looked like they had things under control.

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:02 am
by Brewbirds
BlackDuck wrote:For me...the MB forum wasn't what helped me out so much when I started brewing, no it wasn't the forum. It was the PEOPLE that used the forum. It was Dave for doing the RCE's. It was Trollby, who I was paired with for my first RCE, who taught me how to steep grains on my THIRD batch. It was BPGreen, it was Dag, it was Beer-lord...I could go on and on and on with names.

The forum was simply the method of communication. And that method went away, and Leigh started this. And low and behold, almost all of those great people came here, so I did too. If everyone left here and went back to the MB forum, I would go back too. Not because it was the forum that got me to return, I would return to stay close to my friends. But I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

For me, it wouldn't matter how we communicate, just as long as we do. I have made great friends via brewing. And I am grateful for that.

clap,clap,clap ^this^ clap,clap,clap

Re: Mr Beer Forum

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:43 am
by swenocha
I pop over there occasionally since the upgrade and answer a few questions, as I find that fun. That may be the only thing I miss over here, but the positives here far outweigh that. So I go over and get my fix maybe once every other week, but usually RickBeer has every... single... question... already covered. Doesn't that guy sleep? Geez... ;) I guess that's how our posts looked a few years ago as well. Well done, RB...