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Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:41 pm
by Inkleg
Beer-lord wrote:Jeff, both beers are certified Citra free!
Do I need to open the package and start removing tape?
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:10 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:25 pm
by Kealia
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:37 pm
by Inkleg
More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:13 pm
by Beer-lord
Oh snap! I thought we were past all of this shower talk. I hope there are locks on the bedroom doors cuz if not, I will not be closing my eyes that night.
But, I'll bring some tape for fun anyway.
Has my name changed to Boor-lord?
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:36 pm
by Inkleg
Beer-lord wrote:Oh snap! I thought we were past all of this shower talk.
That's how this friendship started.
Beer-lord wrote:Has my name changed to Boor-lord?
Oops, sorry about that.
I'm so highly trained, I don't have to check what I've typed, but I should.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:23 pm
by Kealia
This will be tested tonight by not only myself but a good friend that is an IPA lover - almost exclusively. We'll provide our thoughts tonight/tomorrow.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:40 pm
by Beer-lord
Kealia wrote:This will be tested tonight by not only myself but a good friend that is an IPA lover - almost exclusively. We'll provide our thoughts tonight/tomorrow.
I seriously doubt anyone will have favorable views on this as I already know what's wrong with it after my OCD self-sessions and as soon as I get back from Asheville, it will be rebrewed and hopefully, come out like it should should but I eagerly await honest and helpful criticism.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:50 pm
by Kealia
I should add that if I don't survive the tasting, it was great spending time with you all.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:56 pm
by Beer-lord
No matter how bad mine is, Ghost will make it all good.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:24 pm
by Kealia
Ok, I see what you mean.
But, let's talk about this beer. First, it smells incredible. It pours a hazy light-orange. Not chill haze, but hop haze that I don't think is ever going to go away. Time isn't clear this up due to the massive hop charge - which isn't a complaint, just an observation.
The taste is bitter up front, followed by some bitterness with a lingering bitterness on the tongue
I've had some beers, and Stone comes to mind, that are either bitter upfront or bitter on the finish but this has a bitterness throughout. It somewhat covers up the hop flavor but there is no bad taste at all. I get a little hop flavor, but the focus of this beer is bitter. Not rip yo momma's face off bitter like you can't swallow it, just a steady and constant bitter from start to finish. My buddy and I split the bottle which was enough to drink because this was somewhat of a palette wrecker.
I will let the second bottle age and see if that mellows but I'm not sure it will. Hop flavor and aroma fades but I'm not sure bitterness does, does it?
Don't get me wrong Paul, this is not horrible. It will however put hair on your chest!
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:24 am
by Beer-lord
A 90 minute FW hop addition is what ruined this beer. FWH is supposed to be smoother and I would not think, nor have I ever had this problem with a 90 minute hop boil with only 1 oz of hops. Perhaps the 1 oz of Columbus was too much and I should go 1/2 oz. When I try this again, I'll still use 1 oz but either just do a 60 minute boil or if I do a 90 minute boil, I will not add the hops until 60 minutes.
I think the 90 minute hop addition with a 30 minute did this beer in.
That said, I think my Pliny version has 3 1/2 oz at 90 minutes so why did that not come out tasting like a palette wrecker?
Would you think that based on the recipe I used, it should have this very strong, up front, bite? I wouldn't.
I appreciate your honesty and thoughts on this. The keg is gone and I have 5 bottles in the fridge that I'm sitting on. 2 friends really like it so the bottles are theirs because I really can't drink it and for a hop head like me, that says something.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:20 pm
by mashani
When I throw that much hops (% equivalent since I make 2.5 gallon batches mostly) and they are high AA, and I'm doing a hopstand with all the hops still in there, I don't even bother with a traditional bittering addition anymore. Or if anything it's like 1/8oz of Magnum or something. I get plenty of balancing bitterness anyways. I'd just move all that Columbus to the 30 minute spot, or maybe even 20 minutes and get even more flaaaaavor. I'm looking more for that then the bite. But maybe I'm weird.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:54 pm
by Kealia
No you're not weird. My Mosaic Pale Ale I brewed is likely right up your ally. I actually used some at a traditional 60-minute addition but then I added some at 15 and then an 1.5oz for a 30-minute hopstand (2.5G batch) and it's got tons of fruity flavors with almost no bitterness at all. I think you may like this - if you like Mosaic. I know Paul only likes it in combination so this could be kryptonite to him.
Re: More Hops Matter-time for a DIPA
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:57 pm
by mashani
I didn't really like the single hopped mosaic pale ale I made a year or so ago anywhere near as much as I like the fuggles+mosiac ESB I made this year. So I think I'm one of those mosaic is better in combination people. Then again, if I used a LOT of them then maybe that would not be the case.