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Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:01 am
by Dawg LB Steve
OUCH! Hope your neighbor steps up, Alb!

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:50 pm
by Brewbirds
Dang ALB you DO deserve a homebrew AND a waaaahhhh emoticon. :o

Is Liz going to be fixable? She might have taken it in the derriere but I fear her spine might have gotten knocked askew. :(

Thank goodness Wilma's got your back though. :)

Man I hope this string of bad luck you've been having has run its course.

Have one as soon as you can. :barman:

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:02 pm
by berryman
I Have been mowing the pond dike on my big pond (I have 3 ponds on my property), have done it every year for a long time (sometimes more then once a year). It's like really steep, I mow it up and down and no way would I mow it the long way because the tractor would tip over. Either I'm brave, Dumb or good at it or a combination, IDK. Going down isn't too bad like when on a roller coaster and you come to that straight down drop, but going up it, you wonder if you are going to make it and all you can see is sky until you hit the top/flat and then it's about 12-16 foot before the water and you have to turn fast. I use my 4 wheel drive tractor and go really slow when doing this. I don't drink when doing this job but I'm having some now that it is done..

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:30 pm
by John Sand
Nice work Berry!
Because I repaired some stitching on my mainsail today. Which was easier than removing it from the spars, folding it on deck, bagging it, carrying to the car, and then all of that in reverse.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:02 pm
by berryman
John Sand wrote:Nice work Berry!
Because I repaired some stitching on my mainsail today.
TY. John, you do that yourself? I wouldn't have a clue on how to do that.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:18 pm
by duff
Short story:
I deserve a homebrew because I have gone through 3 weeks of hell and today a judge made the decision that I could go through more all because I am such a nice guy...

Long story rant because I need to get it off my chest:
My room mate and I recently moved so that I could get a better job and she could be closer to work. We knew another person in the area and to save money we all rented a house together. I didn't know it at the time but my room mate wanted to start dating said other person.

I have been to parties and shared homebrews with him and never a problem. But a few weeks ago he comes home with 3 25 oz cans of Natty Ice. Drinks all 3 in under 5 minutes then gets back in his car to drive to the corner store and buys 3 more. After the 3rd trip to the corner store I suggested a large quantity so that he didn't have to drive drunk. That went down like a fart in church. He very loudly proclaimed that only N-words drink 40 ouncer and started yelling about how he was an alpha male and alpha males don't get told what to do. He comes back from the party store with a halfgallon of something and goes into his room so I figure it's over and no more driving so I'll leave him be... Well he had to work the night shift and he comes out and tries to drive himself to work despite the fact that he can't stand without holding the wall, but I convince him to get a ride. He comes back from work around 530am and gets his car keys then gets in the car and listens to the music at top volume. Partially annoyed and partially not wanting anything bad to happen I go out to the car and suggest he might turn it down so as a neighbor doesn't call the cops and he get arrested for OWI. In a show of defience he attempts to turn the radio up and rips the nob off. I go inside and he passes out.

A few hours later he comes inside still drunk and starts to drink even more. I had to leave so I missed most of that day. When I got home he was still drinking and his cousin had come over to convince him to take the night off work and to sleep it off. I assume that didn't work because he got dressed and went to work. When he came back from work at around 430am he was to drunk to figure out how to get in to his car to listen to music and proceeded to yell at the street light about how McDonalds has to call their Chicken nuggets McNuggets because there is no chicken in them. He disappears for while and around 600am while I am still sleeping he comes into my room and announces he is going to whoop me and teach me a lesson. I tricked him into going into the bathroom so we had more room to settle this and then locked the door to the bathroom and closed it. In his drunkenness he couldn't figure out how to unlock the door so I packed a bag and went to a coffee store to do homework until I could go to work.

Told the room mate that he needed to be out and she agreed. Unfortunately he didn't think so. So we started the eviction process. He says he stopped drinking and I haven't seen him drinking. Even though I haven't seen him drink he is a completely different person than he was before the event, he is now angry 24/7 and has threatened to fight me to see who can date my room mate. Not that I want to date her nor does she want to date him anymore.

Eviction judge basically said because he was never actually charged with a crime, there was no property damage, and he claims to have stopped drinking we can't evict him. I guess I am going to have to be the guy that calls 911 every time my room mate challenges me to a fight just so I can document it...

Sorry about the long post.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:25 pm
by Beer-lord
Bummer! This is how really bad things happen because idiots get away with most things and good guys never catch a break. Too bad he doesn't live by a large body of water or you could talk him into driving into the water next time. Ok, that's not nice as he might ruin a completely nice car!
Best of luck in sorting this out.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:28 pm
by Dawg LB Steve
Damn! You win Duff! Next time he decides to get into his car with keys in hand and even a whiff of alcohol, its time for an anonymous call to the local PD!

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:31 pm
by LouieMacGoo
That just sucks. I hope you all can get it figured out soon without any more conflict.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:42 pm
by duff
I don't want any harm to come to the guy but I just want him out of my life. I already told him if I saw him drink and drive I was calling the cops. Which just angered him because I dont believe he is going to stop.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:02 pm
by Brewbirds
First , not defending him at all, but I wonder if that guy has PSTD (it doesn't have to be from military service).

Second I wonder if he has any family left that hasn't given up on him (possibly not at these extremes).

Third I wonder WHAT THE HELL KIND OF EMPLOYER WOULD LET THAT GUY SHOW UP TO WORK in that condition and what, not even notice :o , let him proceed with his shift :o , surely other employees are freaking out.

Worst of all for you Duff is that you likely have lost your ability to brew in that environment let alone leave any kind of possessions out.

Good Luck as things go forward and remember the :borg: will let you vent/rant anytime you need to open the pressure valve a bit.


Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:19 pm
by BlackDuck
Wow. Good luck. I'm with Brewbirds, I can't believe his employer didn't take care of that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:31 pm
by duff
Not sure about PTSD. It's possible but there is certainly something wrong with him now unfortunately he doesn't see it that way so there is not much of a chance of him getting help.

He works nights for a hotel chain but he was recently moved to the one that everybody assumes all the clients are druggies and or prostitutes. I suspect it's because of showing up drunk but he claims that it puts him in line for promotion. But still I've never worked a job were I wouldn't have been sent packing for showing up drunk.

He still talks to his family but his cousin is the only onewithin a 14 hour drive.

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately in this case, due to financial reasons I haven't been brewing much although I do have 2 gallons of cider for a friend that I hid away so he didnt kow about it.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:34 pm
by Whamolagan
Let him get drunk and fight him. Drunks are too slow to fight and usually get the hell beat out of em and then the problem is solved. I would have kicked his ass so bad he wouldn't want to live there anymore. I have no tolerance for angry drunks. I am not a violent person by nature, but sometimes an ass kicking is needed. How long is the lease?

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:38 pm
by duff
I don't really want to fight him unless it's absolutely forced.

There lease is up in December and Iwill have nothing to do with him after that.