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Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:09 pm
by mashani
Sounds like everyday life for us Windows users. :laugh
I've actually had less trouble with Windows 8.1 and now Windows 10 boxes then I have with my various OS/X installs. As in my 8.1 and 10 boxes have never crashed. Ever. And I use them more.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:53 pm
by TonyKZ1
The El Capitan is working fine for me now, but I've had some issues as I had installed it when it was in beta. I've had issues with the MS Office 2011 software but after upgrading to the latest version of Office, that's working now too. I'm also running a virus sw program and it's caused me problems in the past too, just not with this Mac OS version. I would have just as soon stayed with the Mac OS X v 10.10 that came with my new work iMac but thought I'd try the beta when Apple notified me about it.
mashani wrote:It's El Capitan. It was running fine for many days, then failed out of nowhere.

I have it "working" now, as I discovered that disabling the new "rootless" feature using csrutil disable in the single user/recovery mode console and rebooting allowed me to complete the boot process.

But now I need to figure out what is tripping up the extra system integrity checks that I just turned off. Because I do not want to leave them turned off.

It is possible that since as I said, I'm one of the small number of Mac people who actually bother with a virus scanner that my virus scanner itself is what's causing the problem. It might be trying to inject code into a kernel process to do it's thing and tripping up the rootless feature.

So that's where I'm at.

The weird thing is that there are no panic logs. I don't understand why. That's what made this such a pain. No clues. Just guessing.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:15 am
by Pudge
mashani wrote:
Sounds like everyday life for us Windows users. :laugh
I've actually had less trouble with Windows 8.1 and now Windows 10 boxes then I have with my various OS/X installs. As in my 8.1 and 10 boxes have never crashed. Ever. And I use them more.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Windows is by far the best real time strategy game I've ever played... bar none.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:32 pm
by Whamolagan
I deserve a homebrew because I just spent a few moments reading the above computer posts and didn't understand a damn thing.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:14 pm
by The_Professor
Whamolagan wrote:I deserve a homebrew because I just spent a few moments reading the above computer posts and didn't understand a damn thing.
Okay, just don't spill any beer on your computer...

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 1:54 pm
by Whamolagan
But it runs on spent grain.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:01 pm
by Brewbirds
Whamolagan wrote:But it runs on spent grain.
I like the set of your jib CPU sir! ;)

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:05 pm
by RickBeer
Because in the past week or so I sold a bunch of my father in-law's collectibles/antiques/crap/hoarding stash (take your pick) that I never thought I would... Some hanging green lights (like from a factory) for $180, a set of Magic Lantern slides for $200+, a UGLY music box for $40, and more.

Proving the old adage, one man's junk is another man's treasure.

Unfortunately, it still barely makes a dent in all the crap in our basement. Pipe wrench anyone?

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:58 pm
by Brewbirds
RickBeer wrote:Because in the past week or so I sold a bunch of my father in-law's collectibles/antiques/crap/hoarding stash (take your pick) that I never thought I would... Some hanging green lights (like from a factory) for $180, a set of Magic Lantern slides for $200+, a UGLY music box for $40, and more.

Proving the old adage, one man's junk is another man's treasure.

Unfortunately, it still barely makes a dent in all the crap in our basement. Pipe wrench anyone?
I feel your pain RB one of the houses we went to see was still occupied by a very, very old couple and it was crammed... from the garage to the bric a brac curios to the kitchen cabinets to the closets crammed full of STUFF. You couldn't see the house for the clutter if; they don't have kids who can/will come and clear it all up I doubt they will be able to sell.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:27 pm
by RickBeer
I thought you were building?

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:46 pm
by Brewbirds
RickBeer wrote:I thought you were building?

Waaayyyeellll what happened was this........(long story omitted because I like you guys). :D

We met with our builder while we were there ( he had been really, really ill) to look at resales as per the post elsewhere.

I am SOOOO tempted to talk about what it is like to find housing if you are a person with a disability but I respect that this is not the place.

You guys have no idea how scary it is to know that you could end up homeless.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:03 pm
by Whamolagan
Wait what? Shouldn't your Realtor be doing that for you? I mean you shouldn't have to worry about getting homeless due to not being able to find a place.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:24 pm
by TonyKZ1
I deserve a homebrew right now because… We were vendors at a craft show today and made pretty good money. :) So we went out to eat at a watering hole up there before heading home. I noticed they were serving quite a bit of bottled beer, hmm.. idea, :idea: so I ask our waitress about getting some pop-off bottles, not twistoff but pop off for home brewing beer. No problem she says and then the Bartender comes over, sets down and asks how many I'd like. Oh I don't know 12-24 whatever I guess if it's no problem. It's no problem at all, we just throw them away. So when our meal is done and the waitress brings our check she also brings out a cardboard case box full of beer bottles. No charge. Excellent, so we pay our bill and I leave her a nice tip.

We get home about a hour later and I start going through the bottles, gonna toss the twist-offs if there is any and put the others in a bucket to clean and de-label….. :oops: Everyone is a twist-off bottle, arrgggggg….. So I'm enjoying my homebrew, a BrewDemon One Evil Pilsner...

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:25 pm
by duff
I deserve a homebrew because I am at a friends house and he reminded me that when I moved I had left some stuff at his place during a move...

Strong raspberry wheat beers that tasted #$%& 18 months ago taste pretty good. A bit too sweet for my normal consumption. Also I made 3 gallons of mead that I thought ended up dumped and we are going to bottle it tomorrow. The sample of mead is good.

So basically I deserve a homebrew because I made some.

Re: I deserve a homebrew because....

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:11 am
by FedoraDave
I deserve a homebrew because this is a 3-day weekend for me, and I've spent yesterday priming the walls and ceiling of the dining room, and will spent this morning painting them.

I don't know if I'll have the gumption to bottle and brew later today, even though I planned on it.