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Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:49 am
by Beer-lord
I think ours had a bit more body to it which is what I wanted anyway thought mine was 5.25% and RedBEERd's was 4.9%. Go To definitely had the aroma (like all Stone beers do).
It was odd that his first bottle we tried was darker than mine though his kegged version was the same color. And, of course, his darker beer tasted different than mine though his kegged version was much closer.
Can't really figure out why. The yeast obviously didn't make the color difference and the bottles were brown and kept out of any light at all.
Still, they were all not bad beers considering I'm not the biggest fan of session beers.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:17 pm
by Kealia
Beer-lord wrote:
Still, they were all not bad beers considering I'm not the biggest fan of session beers.
I'm wondering if that's true. Tonight as I was thinking about tapping into my Levitation it occurred to me that you really liked the one I sent you (or you lied about it). That beer came in at 3.9% because it under-attenuated a bit.
I'm wondering if you mimicked the mash profile for Levitation if you'd be happier. The mash was at 156 and the beer finished at 1.016, leaving it with a nice mouthfeel versus being too thin. Top that off with some hops and presto - a session beer (ABV-wise) that isn't too thin or watery.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:08 am
by mashani
That's why I do a PM of some Munich in most of my "Session IPAs". More malt makes the low gravity not seem so well.. thin... Even 50% Munich or a 50/50 Munich/Pale extract blend isn't too much Munich for me in these kinds of beers.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:48 am
by BlackDuck
I think the higher mash temp is important for these. I mashed my Repeat Offender Session IPA at 154 and the body isn't too thin at all.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:36 pm
by Beer-lord
Had a small taste tonite and while the aroma is waning, as it's cleared, it's really a decent beer. Not my go to (get it?) but not too shabby for the first try.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:36 pm
by Kealia
Beer-lord wrote:Had a small taste tonite and while the aroma is waning, as it's cleared, it's really a decent beer. Not my go to (get it?) but not too shabby for the first try.
Oh yeah, I see what you did there.
The aroma is waning after just 2 weeks after your first pour? That seems pretty quick - could that just be perception? I was going to post and say that it "looks like a great beer" but honestly, does anybody on here every say "it looks ok" or even "hell man, that looks like crap"
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:41 pm
by Beer-lord
Well, it's really been closer to 4 weeks since it was ready to drink but it's taken some time to taste better.
I'm more upset no one noticed the freshly cut lawn in the background.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:04 pm
by Kealia
I was just noticing the terracotta pot and stand don't look centered against the black thingy on the fence.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:13 pm
by BlackDuck
And you really should fix that table too, it's quite cracked. Oh, and you should probably level the table too. It's off by about 6 degrees
...and you thought you were OCD!!!
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:15 pm
by Inkleg
Plus the fence seems to be leaning towards the neighbors pot plants behind it.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:29 pm
by Beer-lord
The foam is even tilted!
I need sand in the yard as its very uneven. I need a new fence. But I need 2 bathrooms indoors as they are way beyond old.
But, I need to get my son out of college more than anything first.
Oh, were we talking about session beers?
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:49 am
by Inkleg
Beer-lord wrote:The foam is even tilted!
All the other things being put off I can understand, but please take better care of the beer.
With that said, I have yours and Chris's recipes in BeerSmith just trying to find time to brew again.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:38 am
by Gymrat
That looks really nice Paul
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:10 pm
by BlackDuck
Paul...thanks for sending one of these to me. Like you said previously, it's a pretty good session IPA for your first try. It poured a nice clear pale yellow with a huge foamy white head. It was highly carbed, maybe even a little too much. And I'm wondering if the high carb might be giving you the thinner mouthfeel that you've mentioned before. The aroma was outstanding and it hit my nose immediately. The hop flavor was light though. I was expecting more hop flavor since it had so much hop aroma. But that in no way means this isn't a good beer.
Paul, I surely wouldn't beat yourself up over this one. It's a pretty darn good beer for a first attempt at the style. In fact, it's going down quite easy, and I wish I had another to back it up. I mean, it is a session beer, for goodness sakes!!
Well done my friend, and thanks for sharing.
Re: Session IPA-first draft
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:13 pm
by Beer-lord
I'm starting to like it with each day that goes by even though the nose is waning.
I'm going to give yours a taste tomorrow whilst brewing.
It's only supposed to get to 93 tomorrow with a feel like temp of 105 so I should only need to drink 12 gallons of water to keep hydrated.