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Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:13 pm
by FedoraDave
gwcr wrote:I don't think there are any hard rules about that. I've always posted the recipes as a new thread in the past. Easier for everyone to comment/ask questions when it's in its own thread. Less chance of it getting lost in one long thread...

People usually create their own threads about their RCE experience, recipe, results, etc. It's not required, by any means, but I think it's good feedback. Actually, to amplify what gwcr wrote, there are no hard rules about anything other than signing up and not bailing out. There's no timeline on when to finish your recipe or when to brew it. Guys have brewed their batches together, while they chat on the phone (especially if one of them is helping the other learn a new procedure). And guys have brewed their batches months apart from each other, just because life has a habit of getting in the way of important things like brewing beer.

So you're not obligated to start a thread about your experience or your beer. But I, for one, like to read about peoples' experiences, and what they learned, and what they thought of the beer they brewed. And sharing is what The :borg: is all about, isn't it?

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:23 pm
by jhough
Dave, looks like good pairings ! Wish I could join but we are down 2 techs at the shop . I'll keep an eye out on the results when I can.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:35 pm
by Christ872
Havng trouble reaching haerbob regarding the Beer exchange pairing. Got an email from him but can't reply for some reason.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:48 pm
by Christ872
I have 2 messages from haerbob. I do not see a button to reply to him. Bob...please EMAIL me at -

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:03 pm
by BlackDuck
Christ872 wrote:I have 2 messages from haerbob. I do not see a button to reply to him. Bob...please EMAIL me at -
Hey Chris....I PM'd him for you.....told him you were having trouble touching base with him and that he needs to check this thread.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:22 am
by Brewbirds
Christ872 wrote:I have 2 messages from haerbob. I do not see a button to reply to him. Bob...please EMAIL me at -
Hi Chris, the little wheel to the left of the magnifying glass is your user profile info. You can manage your messages, avatar etc there.

Hope that helps.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:41 am
by haerbob3
thanks every one Chris and I have touched base

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:49 pm
by T8rSalad
I appreciate the fact that Dave paired me with Russki. we are narrowing down our RCE to possibly an Altbier as I am in Texas now and have some R&D to do whilst here. Gonna try to find Shiner Ale Altbier and a couple of other ones if HBE has them individually here in Ft Hood area. Might get a sixer of mixed altbiers if I can find that many. I have had Alaskan Amber Ale which was okay but nothing to wow my tastebuds. I like the info that Andre pm'd me from BJCP styles about an altbier...thanks Andre.

Looking forward to this BIAB RCE but with travel & business and grandkids, gonna have to wait until Jan 2014 (shit its only 3 + months away) so not a long wait.

Salud my friends...Andre :urock:

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:11 pm
by haerbob3
Can't wait for the winter brew season to begin!! Chris & I are still deciding on what to do. I am intrigued by his suggestion of a Red IPA. Going have to find some as this is a new style to me. What suggestions does the :borg: have for me to try??

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:20 pm
by joechianti
Bob, I tried a Oskar Blues G'Knight Imperil Red Double IPA recently, and it was so good I ran home looking for a clone. The very next day I was attempting to recreate it myself from what I had on hand, too impatient to even run to the LHBS first. Just a thought.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:23 pm
by Beer-lord
Maybe something along the lines of Sierra Nevada's latest seasonal, Flipside IPA. It's a pretty decent red.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:57 pm
by FedoraDave
haerbob3 wrote:thanks every one Chris and I have touched base
Crisis averted!

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:45 pm
by Knightmare
Well shit! It looks like I missed out on my first RCE. I go without Internet for a bit and everyone forgets about me. Oh we'll. I expect to hear all the details on these fine collaborations! Good luck to all!

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:47 am
by FedoraDave
Damn, Dave! What a bummer that my former partner missed out. Especially the co-inventor of 2 Daves Irish Red, one of my house mainstays. k9dude and I are working on a blonde ale that may join 2 Daves in the regular rotation.

Anyway, sit this one out and be ready mid-winter for the Post-Christmas RCE.

Re: Recipe Collaboration Exchange pairings

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:29 pm
by Beer-lord
Well, today I got my collaboration recipe done. Never think you're a seasoned brewer or you'll get bit in the arse. No big problems except I grabbed Nelson Sauvin instead of Palasides but by the time I realized it, too late! :) So, it won't be a true clone recipe but based on the rest of it, its gonna be good. Oh, and I boiled off too much so I added some bottled water which I never, ever do but 1.089 was way off and I didn't want that.

Add though that both my refractometer and hydrometer are calibrated and the refractometer shows 1.076 while my trusty hydrometer shows 1.079. The recipe was supposed to be 1.076 anyway.

Rick has been great to work with. All emails were replied to and in a collaboration, communication is important so Rick, thanks much for that.