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Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:13 pm
by FedoraDave
haerbob3 wrote:
Wings_Fan_In_KC wrote:Also note that "MrBeer" joined the forum on Jan 7, 2014.
now isn't this an interesting tidbit :lol: :jumpy: :lol:
No posts yet, though. He's a lurker. Probably just picking up tips on how to brew good beer.

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:56 pm
by jimjohson
FedoraDave wrote:
jimjohson wrote:I was thinking it's because several of the borg members admitted to belonging to other brewing sites besides BB and MrB. they might not like that now any other site is going to lure them away with extract / ag brewing and away from coopers/MrB hmes
If that's the case, they're shooting themselves in the foot. There's nothing you can do to prevent people from looking to branch out. All it takes is a quick Google search of "Homebrewing Forums", and bingo! Trying to suppress information in an Information Age is like trying to sweep the sand off the beach. Rotsa Ruck.

I agree, that is certainly how I found 2 of the others I belong to. however your assuming coopers higher ups will react logically, when observable recent history would seem to indicate differently. :muahaha:

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:13 am
by RickBeer
Always thought Andy Kaufman was an idiot. That was a funny bit but disliked most of his work.

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:48 am
by FedoraDave
I'd like to make one thing clear: I'm not going to bad-mouth Mr. Beer as a product. I started with their kits and ingredients, and the MB community helped me immensely. But I'm not hesitant to say that the changes Coopers has made don't seem to be a change for the better, and they don't meet my needs anymore.

It's the same way with my LHBS. I changed recently, because the new place I found, even though it's further away, is more dedicated to beer making than the other one is. The other one mostly catered to wine making enthusiasts, and carried beer ingredients almost as a sideline. They were often out of fairly common hops, only sold grain in 1, 5, or 10 pound packages, and they didn't mill on the premises. My new one does bulk grain, they'll mill it, their stock is well looked-after and updated, they have classes on all aspects of brewing, and they'll even work one-on-one with someone who has a question.

So we move on in our brewing journeys and find things that better suit our wants and needs. No recriminations or hard feelings. Just the recognition that there's more than one game in town.

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:21 am
by DaYooper
FedoraDave wrote:
haerbob3 wrote:
Wings_Fan_In_KC wrote:Also note that "MrBeer" joined the forum on Jan 7, 2014.
now isn't this an interesting tidbit :lol: :jumpy: :lol:
No posts yet, though. He's a lurker. Probably just picking up tips on how to brew good beer.
I remember he joined some time last year or so simply by his comment that he was surprised no one had taken that yet. It was before the "upgrade."

What I am wondering is that if she goes on day after day and they go back day after day to delete threads why dont they just ban her? Oh, thats right, I am guessing the "ban obnoxious user" module is probably a part of the "user convenience package" that includes things like PMing and was not purchased. :lol:

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:18 pm
by FrozenInTime
DaYooper wrote: What I am wondering is that if she goes on day after day and they go back day after day to delete threads why dont they just ban her? Oh, thats right, I am guessing the "ban obnoxious user" module is probably a part of the "user convenience package" that includes things like PMing and was not purchased. :lol:
They can ban ya if they want. They banned me for simply trying to help some noobs find this forum. MY post was not disrespectful, hateful, mean or malicious one bit. MY post did not promote any other brand name, etc. *I* was NOT being obnoxious in my post, yet here we are, banned from a forum that I helped one hell of a lot. AND, I'm not alone...... Yes, they can still ban. Yes, it is being run pretty bad over there. It's a shame, we have soo much to offer newbies. From some of the post I can go back and see over there, they need it. There is one hell of a lot of experience gone from there. THAT is Mr. Beers loss, I can't image how many people the *old* community helped and encouraged to continue buying/brewing with THEIR products, yet they act the way they did/are. Very sad. I was mad as hell for a while, but no longer mad at them. I have no problem with their decent, albeit lacking products. What I have is a problem with the inept way the forum is ran. They took a good thing and totally ruined it. Again, Coopers changed the HMEs, and I won't say it was for the best, but it is a business. It might be a big hit over in ausseyland, but they failed to recognize this is not down under and we have different tastes. Anyway, back to the forum. Yes, they can ban her if they want. I'm surprised that she has not been banned. Her comment was inappropriate for sure. If you don't like their product, don't use it. Just, go away. The old community tried, tried hard to get the old forum/software back in place, but, they (Coopers) know better than the actual users of the forum. I still have some of their HMEs, several infact. I will use them someday before the expiration date, hopefully. If I don't, I sure as hell won't brag about producing a nasty beer because I used a *dented* can... ROFLMAO. I also have several Brew Demon HMEs, hope to use them also, they are after all, just (the old recipe) Mr. Beer HMEs in a different wrapper.

ehhh, I better hit submit now before I get long winded... hehehehe

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:03 pm
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
I'll agree with a post that Dave made either in here or another topic. I am NOT bashing MrB products and I never have. I still use their HME's and I still use the 3 LBK's that I have in rotation. My beef was and is with the operation (or lack of operation....) of their forum website.

I also have no ill will against any of the posters on that board.

I think I'm done commenting on that situation now.

:borg2: :borg: :borg2: :borg: :borg2: :borg: :borg2: :borg: :borg2:

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:25 pm
by jimjohson
I also agree, though I don't brew their HMEs. It has nothing to do with the forum thing(price). My problem is with management That existed 6 months before the forum foul up. didn't stop me from being civil on MrB then or now. but my sense of humor won't let me stop poking fun at management for the screw up(i.e. 7 posts up). Lol I guess I'm just a slave to my emotions. ;)

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:21 pm
by Yankeedag
Nothing wrong with MB products that a little Grain won't fix.

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:38 pm
by Brewing Brother
Hello and welcome BrewingGal!

If you're done with the Mr. Beer or other kits, I'd like to suggest going to your local brew shop, tell them what you prefer to drink and have them put together a recipe (start with extracts) for you. It's a great way to transition.


Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:53 pm
by swenocha
Yankeedag wrote:Nothing wrong with MB products that a little Grain won't fix.
Well, except for Pride of Ringwood...

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:55 pm
by Yankeedag
Ok, a lot of grain... with a hop addition...

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:21 pm
by Crazy Climber
Seems to me that a troll (quite likely male, impersonating as a female):

* signed up here, and also at MB
* claimed to be a former member of the MB forum (yet none of us seem to remember "her")
* trolled us by expressing undying allegiance to the Borg
* trolled MB by trash talking that forum "on our behalf"
* sat back and waited for us to fawn over "her"
* sat back and waited for the MB members to trash us by association
* got whatever enjoyment trolls get over such activity.

That about sums it up. Everything else is just noise.

<Don't feed the trolls>

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:58 pm
by berryman
Crazy Climber wrote: * claimed to be a former member of the MB forum (yet none of us seem to remember "her")
<Don't feed the trolls>
I almost think I remember somebody named BrewingGal on the MB forum, just had a few post but IDK. If we could see user profiles like we use to be able to there we would know. Either way what she/he posted over there was not acceptable. It doesn't matter what forum we are on, we are all here to share ideas on how to make good beer, help the new brewers make good beer, have fun with our hobby and enjoy the friendship the forums have brought to us.
I feel a little responsible for some of this as I invited her to introduce herself after her first post here on another thread.

Re: Here I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:30 am
by FrozenInTime
U did the right thang BM with the invite. We invite all newbs to do the same. I also seem to remember a few years back of a brewgal or something to that nature.