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Re: Hosehead brewery controller

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:40 am
by RayF
Beer-lord wrote:Great work. And if I can help you not miss it, build me one! :uwish:
Enjoy the work.
Thank you. If you supply the cash I got the time, tools and interest! :fedora:

Re: Hosehead brewery controller

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:55 am
by Beer-lord
Ray, you're obviously a very smart man and not willing to fall into my trap.......but I did try! :)

Re: Hosehead brewery controller

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:24 pm
by RayF
Beer-lord wrote:Ray, you're obviously a very smart man and not willing to fall into my trap.......but I did try! :)

I'm glad my wife does not visit the Borg! She would get a kick out of the smart man comment! :)

Re: Hosehead brewery controller

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:52 pm
by MadBrewer
RayF wrote:Image

Well, I have said I have been completely done with this thing many times now. This time I'm certain that I'm completely finished. I added some manifolds to my pumps so I can change liquor and wort flow without disconnecting and switching hoses around. Switching those hoses made a mess and I was losing wort. I can now circulate my HLT while sparging with the same pump with the use of some tees and valves. Before this , my HLT water was fluctuating during the sparge because of lack of circulation. I got it all figured out now! I also added the counter flow chiller which works great. I'm going to miss building this thing.
Very nice.