I feel like every step forward I take comes with an A-Z subcategory!!
Got the condensate hood pseudo mounted today. It’s technically hanging from the ceiling but we couldn’t find the right size elbow today so the plumbing is on hold till next week. That is subcategory A.
B. Couldn’t mount the hood on the joist to the right because it would have covered the damn light. Hood is 3’ deep. Had it need 2 I would have been fine.
C. Because I had to center it it completely covers my 220 outlet. Depending on how big the 90 degree elbow is I will be able to raise the hood. If I can raise it 5-6” I’ll be good. Otherwise I will have to go with option D or E.
D. The plug is only about 1”-1.5” deep so I can bump the hood out from the wall and the outlet can stay there.
E. I can cut the wiring for the 220 and move the outlet to the wall on the left. Was really hoping to use that wall for accessories but stuff just never goes as planned!!
F. Had to pull up some floor tiles as they came loose. It was dominoes. 3 led to 6. Good news is I got 5 down over the weekend. Left 1 up because it is a part of the floor drain and I need to cut those out a little further.
I guess the good news is that I am that much closer to brew day!!
Hoping to get the rest of the floor cleaned up and down this weekend and the parts for the hood to put it next week. Than just some finished carpentry. Feel like each month I keep saying.... end of this month I’ll be done. Dear god let May be it!!!
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