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Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:43 am
by DaYooper
FedoraDave wrote:That's why I prefer it here. You won't get a thread locked around here unless you call someone "ignorant". :whistle:
I have to say MrB was pretty good about not locking things unless 1) it was something that was getting ugly real quick, or 2) it had to do with Brew Demon because of legal issues. That was one thing we all liked about "Overthere."

But, "ignorant" brewer just shows that no matter where you go, you will always end up with "that neighbour" who just goes out of their way to piss you off.

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:20 pm
by FedoraDave
He seemed determined to be offended, even though I and a couple of others pointed out that my use of the word was correct, in that it literally means "Lacking knowledge or information".

And, honestly, the rest of the stuff I said in my post was very encouraging. I told him that once he had learned some basics, he'd no doubt be making very good beer.

Ignorance can be cured.

Stupid can't.

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:56 pm
by swenocha

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:58 pm
by FrozenInTime
A troll is a troll.

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:42 pm
by Brewbirds
OKAY you guys are all going to get mad at me but really isn't this going to far.

ON every other forum I've been to in searches, including one that I thought was for the "PROS", in every search topic where I got a hit the thread had devolved into a sniping insulting spiral that rarely addressed an OP's original question in the end.

Do we want to be that kind of forum?? I say NO NO NO and beg you to peruse some of the posts on here where we have been:

Inviting new brewers here with offers of experience and encouragement

Supporting our fellows in time of distress and illness

Sharing brew day successes and failures where other sites might want to pontificate or bully

Sharing jokes, humor, hobbies etc. that bring us all closer together than we really are


Many of us understand that the whole MB debacle might have left some hard feelings lurking but to keep having these multi-day venting threads recurring is un-productive, embarrassing and just plain depressing.

You will be mad at me for this post but I feel sorry for Leigh and the moderators for having to try to deal with this never ending rant. It is just not representative of what our normal community personality is about.

If I understand correctly a few of our members have been personally insulted/attacked on the other site but I have to ask you guys: by whom???

I mean you are calling people trolls and stuff so why not just recognize that they don't deserve your attention and move on?

I'm sorry but I feel like with the :borg: that so many people have worked so hard to establish this special and unique and comfortable and happy place are being insulted by letting unimportant slights to egos erode everything that they have worked so hard to achieve.

To the newer members of our community who may be confused by this "banter" I ask your patience and ensure you that the advise you receive here is legitimate and sincere.

Ultimately we do want to help others make beer they will enjoy and have fun doing it.


Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:33 pm
by Wings_Fan_In_KC
Well, we are whipping a dead horse.


Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:44 pm
by haerbob3
Brewbirds wrote: I mean you are calling people trolls and stuff so why not just recognize that they don't deserve your attention and move on?
That lurker MR BEER!!

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:02 pm
by Yankeedag
BB, we tried that "be nice to the troll" and "ignore the troll" at MB's place.
Yeah, that didn't work. It was more fun calling the twits out. Trolls can dish it, but can't take it.
So you are more than welcome to ignore the retarded social rejects to your lovely little hearts content.
I, however, will hunt the scum out and call them what they are.

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:52 pm
by T8rSalad
Leave it to a woman to take the fun out of it and bring us back to Dag, They have yet to find me over here lurking and trolling

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:52 pm
by mashani
Naked Trolls Rule!

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:19 am
by FedoraDave
Birdie, I understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate your sentiments.


This is one thread out of hundreds, and maybe we need something like this as a sort of "quarantine thread", to allow us to vent some hard feelings and not infect the rest of the board with the butt-hurt.

Trolls or not, some people were/are being attacked, and that's hurtful. We've always maintained that The Borg serves as a cyber-tavern, where we can meet our chums, share a pint, have a few laughs, and celebrate our love of homebrew. But a tavern also serves the purpose of being a Clean Room when needed, where someone can express their frustration or even anger when the world deals them a rotten hand.

So yeah, there are bound to be some hard feelings over how screwed up the MB board became, and the treatment this board is getting over there, as if we were a rival Little League team. And some people just like to stir up sh*t because they have pathetic little lives, and any attention is good attention, so they come to a place like this and pee on the floor just so the grownups will notice them. So we've noticed. And we're venting a little. And we'll move on. It happened when Kenny infested the MB community, and it happened again when Caveman and his many pathetic lying incarnations infested it. And it may happen yet again. But when it does, we'll already be long over this particular snipe war, and we'll be chuckling over this even as we lock and load against the current swarm.

Maybe this thread seems ugly, and I won't dispute that. But even good people have bad feelings, and maybe we need this kind of thing as a cathartic.

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:06 pm
by DaYooper
I agree that this is truly a virtual bar. People go to bars for four reasons:

1) To try beers and food and talk about them.
2) Because they are in a happy place and want to celebrate.
3) Because they are NOT in a happy place and want to vent.
4) To pick up hot babes in short skirts.

This thread represents #3.

Why do I get the feeling that Bru Girl and JoeBeer were working together just to stir things up, especially seeing as both have pretty much disappeared after riling things up.

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:41 pm
by FedoraDave
I've noticed a severe lack of hot babes in short skirts around here, and I've been meaning to ask the mods if they can do something about that.

Inkleg in a kilt does NOT count!

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:21 pm
by Yankeedag
FedoraDave wrote:I've noticed a severe lack of hot babes in short skirts around here, and I've been meaning to ask the mods if they can do something about that.

Inkleg in a kilt does NOT count!
yer just getting to picky in your older age Dave. :fedora:

Re: No need for you, with MBU!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:40 am
by haerbob3
through all of this does any one else feel like they have been 8Teen'ed???