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Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:12 pm
by RedBEERd
A small brewery out of Baton Rouge, LA has a new beer called Rougaroo. I believe a Rougarou is a sort of cajun boogie man but I'm not sure. Anyway, I tried this the other night at a local beer pub. Not bad but pricey (10oz, $7 and I bought a 22oz at the store for $12). It's a tad between a black and a porter but to me seems to need more chewiness at the end. And for $12 for a bomber, it's got to be a lil better than that.

So, to make my taste buds happy, I finished the evening with a pint of Enjoy by 10/25/13 and a Ruin Ten (the last keg they had). Stone beers just do it for me.