Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

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Moderators: BlackDuck, Beer-lord, LouieMacGoo, philm00x, gwcr

Which is your preferred brewing method

Basic Extracts (small batches such as BrewDemon, Mr. Beer or other?)
Extract brewing (5 gal or larger such as Coopers, Muntons, or other)
No votes
Partial Grain (using primarily extracts with steeped or mashed grains. )
BIAB All Grain (including eBIAB and other variations of bag brewing)
All Grain (you use the mash tun and other AG equipment for brewing)
Other brewing Methods (anything that doesn't fit into the catagories above.)(please explain)
Total votes: 56
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Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by LouieMacGoo »

This is mostly just for fun and to test the polling feature on the board here but I was wondering which brewing methods the Borg are using? I know that some of you do a little bit of everything like me, I prefer doing BIAB but also do basic extract brews too. So I want to know what method do you use most often or prefer using!

Also I've made this dynamic so you can change your vote later on as you progress and increase your knowledge and skills change your mind! :)

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#40 - Citra-Nilla Cream Ale IPA - Brewed:9/20/15

#39 - Dead Fly IPA - Brewed: 8/29/15 Bottled: 9/27/15
#38 - Apricot Hefeweizen (Colab w/Adam at SOL)- Brewed: 8/8/15

#36 - Summer Wheat: Oberon Clone - Brewed: 7/11/15
#37 - Hickory Bourbon Honey Porter - Brewed: 7/18/15
#33 - Younger No. 1 Scottish Strong Ale - Brewed: 3/29/15
#28 - Hard Mulled Cider, Brewed 10/11/14 Kegged
#29 - Strawberry Lime Cider, Brewed/10/19/14 Kegged

#34 - Second Runnings IPA - Brewed: 3/29/15
#32 - Harvest Nugget Smash v2 (TBD) Brewed 11/27/14
#35 - Columbus Pale Ale - Brewed: 5/02/15
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by philm00x »


These days I'm doing a hybrid BIAB/Traditional AG using the BIAB bag as the filter for my grains in the mash tun cooler, but only because I have yet to purchase/build a manifold or false bottom.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by duff »

After doing my first BIAB I really enjoy that method and find it to be a great comprimise to allow me to brew in an apartment.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by FedoraDave »

I prefer AG. The method I use most, though, used to be extract kits, such as Mr. Beer, since two out of every three batches were done that way.

Now, it'll probably be extract/steeping grains/hop boils for the LBK batches.

But I will still prefer my AG beers.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by Beer-lord »

BIAB and maybe a partial mash once or twice a year for me.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by RickBeer »

If you pick other you can't explain in the poll of course...

Extract recipes (LME, hops, etc.) with steeped grains.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by John Sand »

Me too. My best, favorite brews have been BIAB. But I recently made some extract+grains, and I like it. I'll do grain BIAB when I have the time, but I do like the convenience of extract+grains.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by Rebel_B »

I prefer my BIAB all grain batches; I also have some MrB seasonals waiting on the shelf to be brewed up this fall... They are super convienant for a quick weeknight brew.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by DaYooper »

By quantity 5g extract+grains. Second would be a quick LBK HME batch since they are so convenient to kick out when time is short. BIAB every once in awhile, but my pushbutton 1950's GE electric stove is a pain to control so I see myself picking up a tun in the near future which I am guessing will change my results.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by joechianti »

BIAB is my favorite, but I'm still doing more extract than anything else because I went hog wild on half-price and fire sales for extract earlier in the year and now I have to use them up before they get old. But BIAB brings me much more satisfaction.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by mtsoxfan »

My first was an extract. Made good beer, but I wanted more out of the hobby. Went to extracts and steeping grains, once again, good but I wanted more... I'm doing AG now, as I like the work and flexibility. If I ever get to a point where AG is too much work due to age or ailments, back to extracts and steeping.
Never tried BIAB, doubt I will, but really for no reason other I'm happy with what I do...
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by mashani »

I answered partial grain, but I do a little bit of everything.

Given unlimited time, I'd do just BIAB. But I don't have that, and I'd brew once every 2 months if that's all I did. So I do just about anything to keep the pipeline good, and I make really good beer with extracts, so I'm not going to feel sorry for myself.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by DirtRacer »

I chose basic extracts since that's all I've done so far. Next I want to try doing my own unhopped LME and hop(s) combo.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by The_Professor »

I marked "other".

I do mostly small batch all grain (2.2-3.0 gallons) - no mash tun. I often step mash, sometimes single step, in a 4 gallon pot on the stove. I sparge with a 6.5 gallon bottling bucket lined with a large mesh bag.
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Re: Poll: Which is your preferred brewing method

Post by LouieMacGoo »

Wow, some really good information. Good to see that there is such a wide variety of brewing methods being used! Thanks everyone who has responded so far!
Worrying can spoil the taste of beer more then anything else! ~ Charles Papazian

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Whats Brewing


#40 - Citra-Nilla Cream Ale IPA - Brewed:9/20/15

#39 - Dead Fly IPA - Brewed: 8/29/15 Bottled: 9/27/15
#38 - Apricot Hefeweizen (Colab w/Adam at SOL)- Brewed: 8/8/15

#36 - Summer Wheat: Oberon Clone - Brewed: 7/11/15
#37 - Hickory Bourbon Honey Porter - Brewed: 7/18/15
#33 - Younger No. 1 Scottish Strong Ale - Brewed: 3/29/15
#28 - Hard Mulled Cider, Brewed 10/11/14 Kegged
#29 - Strawberry Lime Cider, Brewed/10/19/14 Kegged

#34 - Second Runnings IPA - Brewed: 3/29/15
#32 - Harvest Nugget Smash v2 (TBD) Brewed 11/27/14
#35 - Columbus Pale Ale - Brewed: 5/02/15
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