Hello All!
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:00 pm
Hey Borg,
Like dozens before me, I was a faithful MB guy who took a 6 month break from the site. I went back last night to see whats changed and didn't recognize much. I will read up and see what has happened, but I am glad to be here.
While I was not a daily contributor, I did read the MB forums daily often and enjoyed the comradery and collaboration. I brew as time allows with 2 kids under 2, which means I read for a bit then lose track of this for a bit. I would say that I am more of a beer drinker, then beer brewer. I am about 10 extract brews in and might look toward the NB one gallon kits here soon.
Thanks for all you guys do for us newbies and creating a great forum for homebrewers of any level.
T-minus 55 minutes until beer time. Thanks and brew on!
Like dozens before me, I was a faithful MB guy who took a 6 month break from the site. I went back last night to see whats changed and didn't recognize much. I will read up and see what has happened, but I am glad to be here.
While I was not a daily contributor, I did read the MB forums daily often and enjoyed the comradery and collaboration. I brew as time allows with 2 kids under 2, which means I read for a bit then lose track of this for a bit. I would say that I am more of a beer drinker, then beer brewer. I am about 10 extract brews in and might look toward the NB one gallon kits here soon.
Thanks for all you guys do for us newbies and creating a great forum for homebrewers of any level.
T-minus 55 minutes until beer time. Thanks and brew on!