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2 one gallon brews for today

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:17 am
by Banjo-guy
I am planning on brewing two IPAs today with the same grain bill but with Citra for one and Fuggles for the other.

I played around with the hop schedule to dial down the Citras and dial up the Fuggles.

Any thoughts about changes? I only have an ounce of each hop.
# 1.
1 Gallon.
Muntons Light DME .75 lb
Rahr Pale Ale malt .75 lb
Briess Carmel 80 L .25 lb
Fuggles .40 oz @ 60 minutes
Fuggles .25 oz @ 20 minutes
Fuggles .25 oz @ 10 minutes
Fuggles .1 oz @ 5 minutes
Yeast US-05 ( half a pack )
IBU 48, recipe Gravity 1.060 ABV 5.9

1 Gallon.
Muntons Light DME .75 lb
Rahr Pale Ale malt .75 lb
Briess Carmel 80 L .25 lb
Citra .25 @ 60 min.
Citra .10 @ 20 min.
Citra .10 @ 5 min.
Citra .40 @ 0 min.
Citra .15 Dry hop
IBU 95, Recipe gravity 1.060 ABV 5.8
Yeast US-05 ( half a pack)

After I posted this I had a thought.
The Fuggle's batch won't have any aroma hopping.I took the addition that was planned for aroma and added it earlier in the boil to increase bitterness.
Could I add a bit of Citra at 60 minutes to increase the bitterness and add some Fuggles back at 0 minutes without losing the Fuggle flavor ? The flavor of the Citra should have boiled off if added at 60 minutes. Does this make sense?

Re: 2 one gallon brews for today

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:58 pm
by Banjo-guy
I ended up changing the hops on the fuggle brew to this;
Muntons Light DME .75 lb
Rahr Pale Ale malt .75 lb
Briess Carmel 80 L .25 lb
Fuggles .30 oz @ 60 minutes
Fuggles .30 oz @ 15 minutes
Fuggles .20 oz @ 5 minutes
Fuggles .20 oz @ 0 minutes
Yeast US-05 ( half a pack )
IBU 36, recipe Gravity 1.060

One OG measured 1.056, and the other was 1.058.
I had to top off with a little less than 1/2 a gallon .

I mashed it in the kettle by putting it in my oven that was set to 170.
After the mash I split the batch into two different size pots on different size burners, I'm really surprise that I came so close the projected OG.

When I tasted the sample the Fuggles brew seemed more bitter. I do get how that happened.

When I went to do the 0 minute hop addition I realized that I had no idea when to take them out or how long to leave them in. I left the 0 hop addition in for a few minutes.

It was a lot of work keeping track and preparing each small hop addition.
There were 8 spread out over two brews that stating boiling at different times.

It was a great learning experience. I hope I can taste a difference in each brew.

Re: 2 one gallon brews for today

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:11 pm
by FrozenInTime
Looks good. I did that alot when I first started. Brewed the same recipe, but changed out hops in each one to see the difference. Ya don't get much brew but it sure helps you nail down a recipe. Good thing about doing this, if u come up with a not so tastey batch, it is only a gallon, makes it easier to drink. I think I ended up with 3/4 gallon bottled when finished each time.