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Strong Apple Cider

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:19 pm
by Root Skier
I am making a very strong apple cider for the purpose of freeze concentrating. I want there to be some residual sweetness left behind.

I started off with 2 gallons of apple cider. To that I added 2 cans of apple juice concentrate, 3 pounds of dark brown sugar and 2.5 tsp of yeast nutrient. OG was 1.105.

I pitched with Red Star Cuvee wine yeast on 12-10-13.

I took a hydrometer reading tonight; 1.032. So it's already 9.7%abv. :muahaha:
I plan to bring it down to 1.012-1.016 so it shouldn't be long now.

The hydro sample was sparkling and felt carbonated when I drank it. It looks carbonated. Is that just very active yeast at work?

Also, is now a good time to transfer to a secondary?

Re: Strong Apple Cider

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:26 pm
by philm00x
Remember, yeast produce carbon dioxide and ethanol as a result of fermentation. So yes, it can have some carbonation if the CO2 cannot escape and gets forced into solution. It sure looks like it's carbonated.

Re: Strong Apple Cider

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:28 pm
by Root Skier
Well, it's in the LBK so the c02 should be escaping. Anyway, I think I'm going to rack it to my secondary tomorrow.