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Blackberry Wheat
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:37 pm
by Root Skier
For my next brew, I'd like to make a blackberry wheat. I'd like to to be more flavorful than Long Trail's Blackbeary Wheat. Here's the recipe I've been thinking about.
Blackberry Wheat
Brewer: Root
Style: American Wheat or Rye Beer
Batch: 5.25 galExtract
Recipe Gravity: 1.062 OG
Recipe Bitterness: 24 IBU
Recipe Color: 4° SRM
Estimated FG: 1.015
Alcohol by Volume: 6.0%
Alcohol by Weight: 4.7%
Briess DME - Bavarian Wheat (65%/35%)5.00 lb, Extract, Extract
Briess DME - Pilsen Light 2.00 lb, Extract, Extract
Crystal 10L - [Body, Caramel, Head, Sweet]0.50 lb, Grain, Steeped
Hallertauer (Germany), Pellet, 60 minutes
Saaz (Czech), 20 minutes
Saaz (Czech), Pellet, 10 minutes
WhirlFloc 15 minutes before flameout
4oz Blackberry Extract at bottling
Safbrew WB-06 Dry Wheat Yeast
Thoughts, suggestions?
Re: Blackberry Wheat
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:12 am
by Funky Skunk Brewing
Can't comment too much about the extract ingredients as I don't brew extract recipes, but I think you'll hit the flavor and aroma notes nicely with the Saaz hops at 20 and 10 minute additions which should bring out the traditional Wheat beer banana aroma and flavor well. Also with the Hallertau at 60 minutes not being a high AAU hop (no more than 6% I believe) there should be little to no bitterness there and provide an Earthy, spicy hint to the beer as it should. Let us know how it turns out.
Question, are you adding the Blackberry to each bottle or in your priming step all at once? Curious was all actually.
Re: Blackberry Wheat
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:15 pm
by FrozenInTime
just my 2 cents worth... pick up a plain wheat brew from liq. store that you like, or use one of yours if u have some. Pour in glass and measure/add a little blackberry flavoring at a time to the glass until u find the taste you are looking for. Guessing about the amount could lead to a beer you don't like to drink. Another suggestion, make a small batch each time until u dial in the exact flavor you want. Have you brewed up a wheat before? Is this a wheat recipe you brew and like? I might even suggest, if u have not done this wheat recipe before, do up a small batch of it until u get it dialed in, then start adding. IMHO
I will add I'm not a wheat fan so I really can't comment on how the recipe will come out.
Re: Blackberry Wheat
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:39 pm
by DaYooper
I generally use Lorann's extracts that come in 1-dram bottles. For almost everything I use 1/2 bottle for a LBK and a full bottle for 5-gallons. There have been some exceptions but with that small amount it is pretty difficult allocating anything other than a full or half bottle. If you are using Brewers Best I believe they suggest using 2oz per 5 gallon batches but am not 100% sure.
Re: Blackberry Wheat
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:12 pm
by Root Skier
I'd pour the blackberry extract into my bottling bucket, then rack the beer on top of it. I'm brewing a wheat right now. I love wheat beers, and right now I'm trying to make beers with a quick turn-around time. Once April hits, I want to start making some larger brews to start ageing for next winter. LHBS recommended 4oz to 5 gallons.
Re: Blackberry Wheat
Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:37 pm
by jimjohson
fwiw I used a maple extract in the rce I did with gwcr. I used the method FiT suggested and it seems to have worked. helped dial in the flavor I was lookin' for.