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Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:17 pm
by yankfan9
Looks like I will be the first to post a BIAB recipe! I am going to try to do a beer similar to Choklat by Southern Tier. This beer is crazy chocolaty and thick. They list the malts and hops they use on the bottle so I went ahead used the same ingredients and assumed the amounts. Even if this doesn't taste like Choklat I think it will make for a delicious chocolate stout for the winter.

OG - 1.099 FG - 1.025 IBU - 46.7
16 lb American - Pale 2-Row (70.3%)
2.75 lb American - Chocolate (12.1%)
2.25 lb British - Caramel / Crystal 60L (9.9%)
1.75 lb Flaked Barley (7.7%)
22.75 lb Total
Chinook - 1 oz. 60 mins
Willamette - .5 oz 30 mins and .5 oz 10 mins
Yeast - 2 packs of US-05

After 7 days fermentation, transfer to secondary with 8 oz. cocoa powder. After 3 days add 8 oz cocoa nibs. Let sit for 7 more days then bottle. I would assume that would lend me enough chocolate flavor. I am looking for quite a bit. And I would guess that this would need to age until November at least? Any suggestions welcome! Never done a stout before, and never done this high of ABV. Also, should I stick to one packet of US-05 or pitch both? No plans to do a starter for this one

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:24 pm
by Beer-lord
Well, the first in this section but there's a couple of us who posted BIAB recipes the last few days.

That's a lot of grain for 5 gallons and it's a big boy. What size pot do you have?
I bet that grain would make some great 'beer bread' when you're done!

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:47 pm
by yankfan9
I have a 10 gallon pot. My plan was to mash with whatever amount of water I could fit in the pot without overflow then top off with water after the mash to hit my pre-boil volume. Would that work? Would I have to figure out a way to sparge after the mash?

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:13 pm
by Beer-lord
Lots of people do it that way but it's a bit more work. Honestly, the most I could get in a pot that size was 16 lbs and I had to do a semi-sparge.
Some people also do a dunk sparge in their bottling bucket. It's going to take lots more time.

Do a google search on Maxi BIAB (maybe it's word) and see if that info helps.

Let us know how you get along but honestly, until you can get a much bigger pot, you'd do better sticking to smaller beers (under 1.060) or smaller batches.

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:28 pm
by FrozenInTime
Wwow, thats a big beer, looks good!

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:41 pm
by yankfan9
Update! Brewed this today! I was worried about water amounts for this because my pot was not big enough for such a big grain bill, so here is what I decided to do. BrewersFriend said I needed 8.5 gallons of mash water, so I took a SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess) and decided to use 7 gallons then I would add the rest of the 1.5 gallons after the mash. While mashing I was also heating up some more water to 170. Well the mash was pretty darn thick so I was a little worried. After the mash I lifted the extremely heavy bag out and rested it on a rack above the kettle. I then took a pitcher and slowly poured the now 167ish water over the grains until I reached the amount of wort I needed to start the boil. I didn't really know what I was doing but it seemed to me that it should work. Well it worked all right! :banana: The expected OG was 1.099 on my beer app and it came in at 1.094! I am happy with that for sure! Not to mention the sample tasted similar to a slightly roasty chocolate milk. :chug: This should be a good one! I also pitched one and a half packets of US- 05. Should that be enough for this beer? And what temp should I ferment at? :thanks:

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:45 pm
by philm00x
Holy carp, that's a big beer! as for the fermentation, I'd probably go in the middle of the range. maybe mid-high 60s. Keep the yeast neutral in the flavor profile so the grains and hops are at the front.

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:47 pm
by yankfan9
Roger that, thanks!

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:31 pm
by yankfan9
For those of you who have brewed a chocolate beer before, I have a question. I have decided to only use the cocoa nibs for secondary fermentation. I was wondering how should I add them, and they have some fat in them, so is that fat going to leech out into my beer and mess with it in any way? These are the nibs I am using. ... bs+organic

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:04 pm
by yankfan9
Anyone have any input on this by chance? Transferring to secondary tomorrow.

Re: Choc-A-Lot

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:39 am
by yankfan9
:banana: The route I took for adding the chocolate nibs and powder was a little hectic and last minute but it seems to have worked wonderfully. I added five ounces of nibs and three ounces of powder to 5 oz of vodka to sanitize them. The solution was still to thick to dump through a funnel into the carboy so I thinned it out with just a bit a water. That allowed me to dump the chocolate syrup like solution into the carboy. I transferred the beer onto the chocolate, set my temp control at 62 and let it sit for a week. I cold crashed for two days and I am bottling today. I took a reading today and it sits at 1.026 which is just about what I was looking for only one point off of the projected 1.025. I tasted the sample and wow! This tastes like the best beer I have brewed to date, and no beer at bottling stage has ever tasted this good for me. I feel like I could drink this now! Not to mention it tasted EXTREMELY similar to Choklat by Southern Tier, which is what I modeled this beer after. I am super pumped to get this beer in bottles and have it conditioned and ready to drink! :banana: