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I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:01 pm
by bcltoys
Had to trash a whole batch F****d up and put a gallon of one step in my mash. Proly my tenth all grain batch without a hitch and now I muffed up. Anybody here ever done this.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:08 pm
by mtsoxfan
never. I never put chemicals in any container that isn't properly marked. I realize that it's common to put chemicals in unmarked containers, but as an instructor of food safety, thats 101

Sorry for the loss... :(

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:09 pm
by gwcr
Ouch! I feel for ya. Haven't done that, but have had my share of minor mishaps. Just means your process must have been going great and you got a little too comfortable. Make sure to mark those containers! This should add the right amount of paranoia back into your brewing schedule! :p

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:53 pm
by Inkleg
bcltoys wrote: Anybody here ever done this.
You mean try to sanitize my mash or muffed up.

Sanitized my mash, no.

Muffed up, well lets just say it's a good thing, things were sanitized. :whistle:
Remember, sometimes we become better brewers through our mistakes.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:04 pm
by bcltoys
Inkleg wrote:
bcltoys wrote: Anybody here ever done this.
You mean try to sanitize my mash or muffed up.

Sanitized my mash, no.

Muffed up, well lets just say it's a good thing, things were sanitized. :whistle:
Remember, sometimes we become better brewers through our mistakes.
No I dumped a whole gallon of mixed one step in my mash-tun was not paying attention did not catch that I had done that till I was cleaning up shit I had pitched yeast and all. Pretty stupid on my part.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:30 pm
by John Sand
BCL, while I haven't made that mistake, I've ruined a few batches. Enough that some warm day I plan a big dump session. My mistakes were infections. So while you over-sanitized, I've under-sanitized. We should meet in the middle.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:05 pm
by FedoraDave
I recall a thread from the Mr. Beer community (may it rest in peace) in which the OP did the exact same thing with Iodophor. It happens, unfortunately.

In fact, it nearly happened to me yesterday. I reached for a container thinking it was water and stopped myself just in time as I realized it was Star-San.

We can get too complacent, or just careless. I'm sorry you had to dump a batch. I know from my own experience how much that hurts. But we learn from our mistakes, and such things keep us on our "A Game".

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:31 pm
by philm00x
One of the guys on a facebook group I post on poured a gallon of star san into his wort instead of water, and he said it was actually one of the best batches he ever brewed. I wouldn't recommend it, but I guess star san isn't too bad?

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:23 am
by Brewbirds
I've seen a few posts where that happened so you are not alone, don't be to hard on yourself.

Go get a skull and crossbones stencil for your sanitizer container and brew on. :p


Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:40 am
by jimjohson
mark it with a red magic marker. I got big red letters all over mine saying starsan and willing to bet i'll screw it up eventually anyway.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:24 pm
by berryman
You know these kind of things can happen, I almost did a boo boo something like what you did not long ago. I thought I had Star-san in my bottling bucket and was getting ready to sanitize everything with it, and then I thought things just didn't seem right, maybe that is oxiclean in the bucket instead, I don't know for sure but I triple rinsed the bucket and mixed up new starsan, I'm glad I did, for the little more time and the little cost it might have saved my batch if I was wrong.....Sorry about you dumping your beer, nobody wants to have to do that.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:22 pm
by duff
You can count me among those that have added sanitizer to a batch.

I had a lot of recipes to brew one summer and decided on the next Saturday night I decided to make up 2 extract with steeping batches. It turned out to be one of those nights where everything goes wrong. I was running way behind and way tired. At 4:00AM when I added my top up water to the second batch I used the jug of Starsan I keep on hand instead of the jug of water. I realized this after I pitched the yeast. The early samples after 3 weeks in the fermenter and 2 weeks in the bottle tasted salty. The only other downside was that the hop flavor was very subdued compared to the other times I brewed that batch.

Needless to say the jug I make starsan in now has stars drawn all over it in addition to having sanitizer written on all sides.

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:44 am
by Funky Skunk Brewing
Dumping entire batches stinks to the heavens for sure. A lesson was learned in the end though so you can try and take solace in that. I know it's too late now, but anything in my brewery that is NOT for the recipe goes into completely different coloured containers. Sanatizer is in Red containers, all ingredients go in White containers just so my eyes no something may brain may forget if that makes sense.

I know when I pick up something Red, it's not going into the beer itself. Anything in white containers (and of course labeled) is good to go. As Dave said, we can get complacent when we think our procedures are tight when brewing, but something can always go wrong. Just learn from it and try not to let it happen again in future brews.

Try not to let it linger too long :clink:

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:13 am
by Chuck N
So let me see if I'm getting this correctly...

Are you saying I'm not suppose to sanitize my grains before I mash them?

:D :laugh :lol: :p

Re: I f****d up.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:52 pm
by Shermie
A similar screw-up happened to me, but it wasn't with the One-Step Sanitizer.

The spigot was loose and the wort started leaking from the fermenter! Tightened it, and it leaked even more!! Turns out that if the nut for the spigot is tightened too much, the thread will break from the spigot.
I lost a whole batch of beer and had to pour it out!! It leaked onto the kitchen floor!

I made a call to Brewdemon and told them about it. They said that other customers had the same problem. The guy put in a free order for another spigot and another batch of beer. They paid the shipping and handling fee. He said not to over tighten the nut in the future.

The other day, it began to happen again! But fortunately, the nut was too loose, so I tightened it just a tad, and it seemed to work.

So if any of you have encountered this problem, it can cost you a batch of beer! :oops: