Clear beer from a keg's first glass
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:10 pm
Got an email from Williams $45, it cost as much as my keg. Nah, I'll spend my money on SS fermenters but not this.
Do you want to drink clear beer as soon as your keg is carbonated? The Clear Beer Draught System is a patented floating beer pick up tube to fit any Cornelius style soda keg. It replaces the beer out dip tube with silicone tubing attached to a all-stainless swivel float. The stainless swivel float keeps the beer pick up tube right below the surface of the beer, letting you draw the clearest beer from the first draw to the very end. The swiveling pickup tube initially points down (when you are far away from the sediment) and then swivels to point upright when you get near the bottom, avoiding sediment. Very efficient, in our tests, all the was left in a 5 gallon keg was a cup of beer at the bottom.