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She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:44 am
by mtsoxfan
My step daughter that is. 17 and thinks the world should bow to her every want and need. Let me start my rant by saying she does well in school, has been accepted to 5 good name colleges, she is a competitive dancer (at a comp today with Mom) and is basically trouble free. She is only 17, which makes it illegal for her to drive after 11pm. After talking to her several times about being home by 11, I had to text her at 11:30 to get her home. Took her 25 minutes for a 5 minute ride. I took away her free driving priveledges, she can drive to school and dance, but no social. Went straight to her Mom, who explained why I did it, but told her she can drive to her friends etc. Then Mom asks me if it's OK for her to go to her BF's last night. Why ask me? You already let her drive... She treats her Mom like crap almost daily, only talks with me when she wants something or is in a good mood... rarely hi or good bye, I think I am invisable and a mute as she doesn't hear me when I talk... She is good at maniplulating her Mom, who works her ass off and doesn't want/need any drama... I am actually the calming force when they argue, not taking sides, unless Mom needs the reinforcement, which is rare. I try to diffuse things. Mom says that is how they have always communicated. It drives her crazy when it happens, but they really have a good open relationship.
This morning, slams the garage door at 7, underneath our bedroom, and rattles the house, blaming her Mom for a lost earing that SHE left in her Mom's car and now can't find. Nothing like waiting until last seconds before leaving for competition to be finding things.
Maybe I'm noticing this more because of the winter we are having temp and snow wise, I am inside more. Also, she'll be 18 in a month or so....
Is she the only one who acts like this?

Feeling better after this rant, they are gone until 6 or so, so I can chill, do some chores I've been putting off and make something creative for dinner. Brewing, cooking, and home projects are my stress relief...

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:30 am
by LouieMacGoo
Dude, I feel your pain!!! I have 3 daughters (13, 17 and 20) and they all act that way! My 20 y/o blamed me for her laundry not getting done because the drain to the laundry tub backed up and I couldn't get it fixed in a timely matter because I was sick! Never mind that she waited 4 weeks to do any laundry, but needed to get it done NOW!!!!! :blink: Teenage girls don't/won't take responsibility for their actions and blame us parents for everything! I have noticed them getting on my nerves more lately and I do think it's because of the weather and being closed up inside so much more! And don't think it's because she is your "step daughter", that she looks to mom to get around your punishments. My daughter always go to SWMBO to undermine my imposed sanctions and rules! It is what it is the teenage girl years!

Some times you just have to say to yourself RDWHAHB over and over again! I'm told it gets better when they turn 30 or so!!! :whistle: ;)

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:41 am
by RickBeer
Ah, boys... :lol:

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:42 am
by Inkleg
Just try and remember that at one time we were that pain in the ass kid and our parents didn't know anything. Karma it's a bitch. :laugh
My daughter was the easy one, but don't get me started about my son. Sorry you're going through a rough patch, it will pass.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:51 am
by Rebel_B
Don't take it personally. It does get better!

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:45 am
by Chuck N
She's 17 and knows it all. If you don't believe me just ask her.

They're all like this. Just grit your teeth and get through it. Three to five years from now you'll be her hero again.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:03 am
by Rayyankee
It does eventually get better . There were plenty of times through my daughters teenage years i wanted to kill her but was smart enough not to. Now that she is 23 and a member of the working class and living 2 1/2 hours away she is great. And yes like yours mine always tried to go to SWMBO to get around my rules lucky for me my wife didnt cave often. Like has been said RDWHAHB about the best you can do. stress is not good for you.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:52 am
by mtsoxfan
Well, since I was relieving stress by doing what I love, working around the house, I was feeling much better. just needed to vent. At least I know I'm not the only one.
Jeff, I do remember my teenage years, I was "adventurous". My parents to this day don't know 1/2 of what I used to do. but don't believe I had the disrespect to my parents what I see happening now.

Finished installing a light sensative, motion detecting light switch, so when my wife walks into the garage at night, it is totally illuminated. Had to move my brand new (1 week old today) LED/LCD television to get to the breaker panel. Moved it away fine, moving back, my foot slipped, I fell. I was still able to hold onto the TV so it didn't hit the floor. It didn't really take much of a blow, other than a light forearm. Then I saw it. Plugged it in to confirm. I am now the proud owner of a black picture frame... It took me months to save, after using all my credit card points made it affordable.... If I used just my credit card, I ccould get it replaced. But I only put $300 on the card... gonna call to see if it qualifies at all...

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:06 am
by FedoraDave
Sorry about the TV, bro. Since it's nearly new, you might be able to work something out with the store or the manufacturer. Good luck with it.

As far as your step-daughter is concerned, teenage girls have no scientific or logical explanation at all. My own daughter, who was really a very good kid, still had her insane, unexplainable Incredible Hulk moments. Ride it out. In five years or so, you'll have semblance of a normal relationship, if any male-female relationship on earth can be described as "normal". My daughter is in her late 20s now, and is truly a wonderful young woman. It helps that she's been out of the house for four or five years....

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:14 am
by Yankeedag
They all get that way so that we don't feel bad about kicking them out of the nest.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:21 am
by Beer-lord
Inave a son who went thru some un-fun times after Katrina. Our losses affected him a lot but by the time he turned 20' he grew up. Not perfect but a young man. He's 22 now and I'm proud of him.
Bottom line, we all spoil our kids way too much and it bites us on our ass sometimes. She will see the light one day and these times will be distant memories,
I'm very sorry about the tv, no way that doesn't bring huge suckage to the total situation.

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:35 am
by mtsoxfan
Since I bought the tv with my credit card rewards, I'm hoping they will give me the full purchase price back. I really doubt it though. I have to wait until normal business hours though. It took since November for me to find the lowest price on this tv, and now the prices are back at the normal retail. I'm in the mood for making someone laugh at me, so I'll call Best Buy and see if there is anything they can/will do.... :lol: Maybe sell me another at the price I just paid. The wife doesn't know yet... I think this hurts me more than her, she doesn't care too much for the telly... :)

Now, we rotated tv's. my daughter's tv crapped out a month or so ago, and instead of buying her another, since she is leaving for college this year, we decided to buy us a new one and give her the older one. Still, it is bigger and much better than what she had. No way can I take it back now, you think I was on the shit list now, imagine if I took it back? :lol:

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:37 am
by Beer-lord
Maybe you can claim it on your homeowners insurance??????

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:42 am
by mtsoxfan
Even if I didn't carry a high deductable, I wouldn't dream of it. We connect our cars and home for discounts and the daughter totaled a car just about a year ago, at age 16... We are paying through the wazoo right now...

Re: She's driving me nuts...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:44 am
by RedBEERd
I have a daughter, only it's hard NOT to spoil when they get 100% of our attention. She's basically a good kid (21 now) but attitude and hormones rule. Sometimes I'd just have to sit there, trying to ignore all the estrogen in my house (being the only male) by grabbing the remote, a beer, a cigar and headphones and be in my own world.

An ex boss, who had an only daughter once told me, "with a boy, you only have to worry about one D)*#$, with a girl, you have to worry about them all"

True, true