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UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:37 pm
by BeerRust
I bought some of each based on the descriptions that I researched about them. Anyone have any experiences with them?

Re: UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:40 pm
by Yankeedag
quite a bit, what do you want to know about them?
I use the first gold for the bittering boil, and the uk kent for the flavor...along with fuggles ... and then UKK&F for the aroma as well.

Re: UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:48 pm
by BeerRust
Yankeedag wrote:quite a bit, what do you want to know about them?
I use the first gold for the bittering boil, and the uk kent for the flavor...along with fuggles ... and then UKK&F for the aroma as well.
What amount of bitter, flavor, amora did you get from them?
What style did you use them in?

re: UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:48 pm
by Yankeedag
As everyone know that have read my ranting's, I'm not a "style" type guy. However, a close proximity, Irish Reds, or that area style.
One of my favorites was:
10# 2row ... mashed... 60 min
1/2# Carahell ... steeped then added to mash at end
1/2# Carafoam ... steeped then added to mash at end (both were steeped together)

1oz UK Kent Golding (5.0 AA) 60 min boil
1/2oz each of Kent/Fuggle 15 min boil (fuggle 3.6AA)
1/2 oz each of Kent/Fuggle at 1 min to flame out.
(all hops were placed in a hop spider)
1tbs Irish Moss at 15 min... commando
WLP 004 Irish Ale yeast (washed)
OG: 1:058~FG:1:013
24.6 IBU
Notes say I really liked that one...

Re: UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:02 pm
by mashani
East Kent Goldings are mild and good in any English beer, lots of Belgian styles, Saisons, even APA/IPAs as a supplemental hop. It is almost impossible to over hop with them as a finishing hop unless you use totally insane amount.

Re: UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:01 pm
by Texas Dan
I started out to do a 3 Gal. Saison but had so much German Lager yeast around that I ended up with a Lager instead.
Used Perle for bittering and UK East Kent as a finishing hop.
Very fine and mellow finish. Would try this again.

Re: UK Kent Golding, First Gold

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:56 am
by BeerRust
Interesting" I'll have to see what I can think up first before using these.