An Exchange With JPSherman from our RCE
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:41 pm
So you've seen the RCE JPS and the Brewbirds did and he sent us a couple of others which we shared on Sunday; here is my review (BB2 kept talking chemistry stuff ):
F Amber - 11/14
Pours with small head and some lacing.
Very dark with red opaque hue but with no chocolate or roasty notes curious if early extract addition of Amber extract (this is BB2's chemistry class thinking Malliard reaction on color).
Mild and pleasant aroma that we think might be stone fruit.
Crisp, slightly dry and refreshing mouthfeel though lightly carbed.
Very balanced with mild bittering and some stone fruit tones.
Think Session Porter (BB2)
Mouthfeel seemed to have thinned as head deminished (?)
L A A 10 - 28
Pours with small off whit head and some lacing.
Bright amber orange slightly opaque color,
Aroma is fruity citrus reminding of tangerine.
Balance is close leaning to sweet maltiness but with lingering bitterness but getting citrus/tangerine notes in the flavor.
Lightly carbed and slightly thin mouthfeel.
Overall impression is that JP is putting together very good recipes for extract beers that taste great but maybe up the Carapils for head retention/improve on thinness.
JP you sure know how to mix and match your ingredients to come up with some pretty awesome brews sir.
F Amber - 11/14
Pours with small head and some lacing.
Very dark with red opaque hue but with no chocolate or roasty notes curious if early extract addition of Amber extract (this is BB2's chemistry class thinking Malliard reaction on color).
Mild and pleasant aroma that we think might be stone fruit.
Crisp, slightly dry and refreshing mouthfeel though lightly carbed.
Very balanced with mild bittering and some stone fruit tones.
Think Session Porter (BB2)
Mouthfeel seemed to have thinned as head deminished (?)
L A A 10 - 28
Pours with small off whit head and some lacing.
Bright amber orange slightly opaque color,
Aroma is fruity citrus reminding of tangerine.
Balance is close leaning to sweet maltiness but with lingering bitterness but getting citrus/tangerine notes in the flavor.
Lightly carbed and slightly thin mouthfeel.
Overall impression is that JP is putting together very good recipes for extract beers that taste great but maybe up the Carapils for head retention/improve on thinness.
JP you sure know how to mix and match your ingredients to come up with some pretty awesome brews sir.