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RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade APA

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:38 am
by lindseywinstead
JimmyPirate and I have decided to brew a 15 Minute Cascade American Pale Ale as our Recipe Collaboration Exchange for the Winter 2014 round. It is a simple recipe with an non-traditional boil - basically a hopburst of Cascade. It is a recipe introduced on one of those "other" forums a few years ago ... le-210253/, and seems to have been quite successful among those who have reported trying it. Simple, flavourful, and quick. What is not to like?

15 Minute Cascade Pale Ale (for the Winter 2014 Recipe Collaboration Exchange)
Style: American Pale Ale
Brewers: Shore Brewing Company & 2thedogs Brewery
Batch: 5.5 gallons

Recipe Characteristics
Recipe Gravity 1.057 OG Estimated FG 1.014 FG
Recipe Bitterness 33 IBU Alcohol by Volume 5.5%
Recipe Color 12° SRM Alcohol by Weight 4.3%


6.00 lb Light DME
1.00 lb Crystal 60L

2.50 oz Cascade - 15 minutes
1.00 oz Cascade - 5 minutes
0.50 oz Cascade - 0 minutes
1.00 oz Cascade - Dry Hop

Nottingham Dry Ale Yeast

Recipe Notes
Original Brewer's Notes (wcarter1227 from HomeBrewTalk Forum): This is a very simple pale for a brewer of any level of experience. While
I enjoy doing my All Grain beers, I still brew this beer from time to time. The plus is that you only have to boil the beer for 15 minutes and
you are done. So we are looking at a 2 hour brew day including clean up with a wonderful tasting hoppy yet sweet caramel flavored pale
ale. And since its extract and with such a big hop bill you only need to boil the extract for 15 MINUTES! Pours a nice copper/reddish color
with a 1 finger head that sticks around leaving a nice lacing down the glass.This beer is great with notty as I typically use notty on my
beers I want to ferment on the cooler side. I imagine any clean fermenting yeast would do well. If you want some fruity esters I have done
this recipe twice with s-04. You want to add the grains to the water as soon as you turn on your burner and steep them until the water
reaches 170 and pull them out. I do a full boil with this brew. Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 30 @ 65 degrees F. Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 7 days dry hop.

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:46 am
by jpsherman
Looks tasty!

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:23 am
by Brewbirds
This is a great idea for the RCE. Can't wait for the updates.


Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:22 pm
by packerduf
I've always wanted to try this method, since watching the Basic Brewing video. I may finally pull the trigger, if your results prove positive. Please keep us posted.

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:01 pm
by Kealia
I can vouch for this recipe as I just did this exact thing about a month ago (see thread here).

You can't beat the time investment for a solid, pipeline filling APA.

And don't just take my word for it. I sent a few out for others to taste and as soon as they clean off their palettes from their hop juice experiments I'm sure they will chime in, too.

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:13 pm
by Brewbirds
and as soon as they clean off their palettes from their hop juice experiments I'm sure they will chime in, too.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:02 pm
by jimmypirate
Definitely looking forward to brewing this. Picking up the ingredients this weekend. :borg:

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:56 am
by mashani
I've made good beer with 15 and 20 minute boils. It's a winner I'm sure.

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:15 am
by yankfan9
I can vouch for Ron's Pale Ale, just had it last night as a matter of fact! I really liked it, had a good malt/hop balance, very flavorful for such a simple recipe. Not to mention the head and head retention was incredible, it had a creamy head down to the last sip

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:55 pm
by Kealia
Hey, glad you liked it. I found the head retention to be ridiculous, considering it was an extract + steep. I was surprised at how good it was for such a simple recipe which always reminds me to KISS.
There's no need to have a beer that has 15 malts and 37 hop varieties in it. Just use quality ingredients and nail your process and you'll make good beer.

I think sometimes we, as homebrewers and craft brewers, tend to go too far in terms of trying to push the envelope (please, no more bull testicles in beer) and forgot to focus on the basics.

Anyway, good luck. And Brant, I'm glad you liked the beer. Did you "get" the label?

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:17 pm
by yankfan9
Yes, that label had my family and I all cracking up, very clever! Also after looking through the BCJP guidelines, my brown ale turns out to be a Brown Porter pretty much perfect with their description. So although I planned on it being a brown ale, it turns out it is a tasty brown porter! Hope you like it, and the zombie dust

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:25 pm
by jimmypirate
Brewed today, looking forward to tastin how it turns out. Now I just have to remember to dry hop in two weeks.

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:35 am
by tssummers50
Looks like an awesome idea!! Enjoyed the video, thx for posting!

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:48 pm
by FedoraDave
I've done hop bursting once or twice, and wasn't disappointed with the results at all.

I should probably incorporate it into more brewdays when I don't want to spend a long time with a 60-minute boil.

Re: RCE W2014: jimmypirate & lindseywinstead: 15 Min Cascade

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:29 pm
by lindseywinstead
JimmyPirate and I are bottling this brew this weekend. Initial reports are promising! This is one of the yummiest [that is a technical observation conveying the conversion of various external stimuli from the environment through my sensory neurons, producing corresponding internal stimuli] smelling batches I have brewed to date. As I told JimmyPirate, it is going to be difficult to refrain from sampling early!