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What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:40 am
by monsteroyd

Just a quick question about Mr Beer Patriot 'Lager'. I know that it isn't really a lager, but an ale, but what style would it be? American Pale Ale? or what?

Is there a place to go to describe a beer , and learn what style it most closely matches?

Just curious, because I want to start perfecting my own version of the Mr Beer Patriot. My step-son and I really liked the Patriot HME with a little extra DME, and I want to do one from extract with my own hop boil etc.

Thanks in advance

Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:31 am
by jimjohson
can't be an apa according to them only has 17 ibus an apa runs like 30-45. they're calling it an American lager style but BeerSmith don't show that category. the only thing I can think of that low are wheat beers an American wheat/rye 15-30 ibus.

Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:18 pm
by monsteroyd
OK I did a little additional research, I found some style spreadsheets that I could sort down by and, Jim, I think you are right. There isn't an ale style with that low of IBU and color, only lagers, so what is a lager fermented with ale yeast called? Well, its not really a Kolsch, even though it is a light grain bill fermented with ale yeast, it isn't lagered, but that would be as close as I can find. It could be a steam beer, if that is lager yeast under the lid, and done at ale temps, I guess.

Oh wait, under light hybrid beer, it could be a cream ale or a blond ale with 17 IBU, and 3 SRM.

How vote ye, oh borg? Cream or Blonde ale?


Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:59 pm
by BeerRust
monsteroyd wrote:OK I did a little additional research, I found some style spreadsheets that I could sort down by and, Jim, I think you are right. There isn't an ale style with that low of IBU and color, only lagers, so what is a lager fermented with ale yeast called? Well, its not really a Kolsch, even though it is a light grain bill fermented with ale yeast, it isn't lagered, but that would be as close as I can find. It could be a steam beer, if that is lager yeast under the lid, and done at ale temps, I guess.

Oh wait, under light hybrid beer, it could be a cream ale or a blond ale with 17 IBU, and 3 SRM.

How vote ye, oh borg? Cream or Blonde ale?

Straight up I would say blonde ale(using ale yeast and not Lagering), when you added DME than more of cream all but the ABV raises slightly. If you add hops increasing IBUs, your guess?

Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:20 pm
by monsteroyd
Some kind of bitter beer. Assuming an american ale yeast, then it would be APA.


Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:33 pm
by philm00x
I would consider it a blonde ale, like BeerRust said. It's supposed to be an American pale lager, I believe.

Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:42 pm
by monsteroyd
Yes, that is what got me thinking. It isn't a lager, because I think it comes with ale yeast. I think American blonde ale is probably what was intended, although mine were usually a little darker than blonde.


Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:50 pm
by philm00x
It was intended to have a color and flavor profile a lot like Sam Adams Boston Lager, but it's not even close.

Re: What style of beer is MR Beer Patriot 'Lager'?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:47 pm
by DaYooper
Sometimes I wonder if they just guess at that stuff. Both the Standard and Deluxe have the same IBUs. I would think you would lose a point or three by adding the extra malt but what do I know.

This might help at least narrowing down some of the choices: ... ess-range/