The Brew Demon looks great but after the air lock is attached it and it is placed in it's stand the total height is pretty big for a 2.5 batch-sized fermenter. It's too big for my mini fridge.
The LBK works really well but 2.5 batches are pushing it too it's outer limit.
I can fit a 5 gallon bucket in the fridge and use a blow off tube. That's over kill for a 2.5 batch.
Here's my off the cuff take on these four options:
1. LBK
a.brown Plastic to combat skunking airlock
c. cheaper spigot with non-standard hole size
d. thinner plastic than Speidel and Better Bottles ? (perhaps)
e.large opening for easiy cleaning
f. See through plastic
g.trub clogging the spigot is a little more likely because of the flat recessed bottom.( unlike the LBC )
f. horizontal design allows it to fit in my fridge easily
2. LBC
a.brown Plastic to combat skunking
b. airlock or no air lock possible
c. cheaper spigot with non-standard hole size
d. thinner plastic than Speidel and Better Bottles ? (perhaps)
e.large opening for easiy cleaning
f. See through plastic
g.trub clogging the spigot is less likely because of a conical design..( unlike the others )
f. Vertical design - too tall to fit in my fridge easily
g. Conical design
h. Large over all height.
I. A new non Mr. Beer product and company
I've never seen or used the Speidel and Better Bottles but here is what I've read on line.
a. Heavier plastic ?
b. Large opening with possible sharp edges
c. Some scratches that could harbor bacteria
d. More expensive than LBK and LBC's
e. Bigger volume
f. Carry handle
g. Opacity allows skunking if exposed to light.
h. Large over all size with air lock?
4. Better Bottles
a. Heavier plastic ?
b. Large opening
c. expensive when adding " options "
d. More expensive than LBK and LBC's
e. Bigger volume but less than Speidel
f. No Carry handle
g. Opacity allows skunking if exposed to light.
h. Large over all size with air lock?
I have too much time on my hands this morning!
I would love to hear your pros and con lists.