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Speidel and Better Bottles

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:05 am
by Banjo-guy
Is anyone using a Speidel for their fermenter? The 3.2 size looks like it could just right for 2.5 gallon brews.

The other option that I'm considering is Better Bottles. I don't think that the 3 gallon Better Bottle has a spigot.
If you have one of these two how do you like it?

Re: Speidel

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:14 am
by swenocha
You can get a spigot on a better bottle. They come with or without...


Here's the Northern Brewer link for the ported 3-gallon BB: ... 7AodLCUAZA

Re: Speidel and Better Bottles

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:37 am
by mashani
The thing about the better bottle spigot is it takes a special tool to get it attached. Where in the Speidel - or for that matter the brew demon conical which is also great for 2.5 gallon batches - it's easy to get at it with your hands.

That's why I don't have a 3 gallon better bottle and went with the brew demon conical. I don't know what the Speidels are going for now, but I got 2 of the Brew Demon conicals for the price of one Spiedel when I got mine.

Re: Speidel and Better Bottles

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:35 am
by Banjo-guy
The Brew Demon looks great but after the air lock is attached it and it is placed in it's stand the total height is pretty big for a 2.5 batch-sized fermenter. It's too big for my mini fridge.

The LBK works really well but 2.5 batches are pushing it too it's outer limit.

I can fit a 5 gallon bucket in the fridge and use a blow off tube. That's over kill for a 2.5 batch.

Here's my off the cuff take on these four options:

1. LBK
a.brown Plastic to combat skunking airlock
c. cheaper spigot with non-standard hole size
d. thinner plastic than Speidel and Better Bottles ? (perhaps)
e.large opening for easiy cleaning
f. See through plastic
g.trub clogging the spigot is a little more likely because of the flat recessed bottom.( unlike the LBC )
f. horizontal design allows it to fit in my fridge easily

2. LBC
a.brown Plastic to combat skunking
b. airlock or no air lock possible
c. cheaper spigot with non-standard hole size
d. thinner plastic than Speidel and Better Bottles ? (perhaps)
e.large opening for easiy cleaning
f. See through plastic
g.trub clogging the spigot is less likely because of a conical design..( unlike the others )
f. Vertical design - too tall to fit in my fridge easily
g. Conical design
h. Large over all height.
I. A new non Mr. Beer product and company :)

I've never seen or used the Speidel and Better Bottles but here is what I've read on line.

a. Heavier plastic ?
b. Large opening with possible sharp edges
c. Some scratches that could harbor bacteria
d. More expensive than LBK and LBC's
e. Bigger volume
f. Carry handle
g. Opacity allows skunking if exposed to light.
h. Large over all size with air lock?

4. Better Bottles
a. Heavier plastic ?
b. Large opening
c. expensive when adding " options "
d. More expensive than LBK and LBC's
e. Bigger volume but less than Speidel
f. No Carry handle
g. Opacity allows skunking if exposed to light.
h. Large over all size with air lock?

I have too much time on my hands this morning!
I would love to hear your pros and con lists.

Re: Speidel and Better Bottles

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:00 am
by swenocha
In terms of Better Bottles,

- The better bottles are indeed made with a special PET that resists O2 permeability (enough that you can safely use them for extended secondaries), flavor scalping/absorption/release, and staining. These reasons are why I prefer them to LBKs a great deal (though I still use my LBKs).
- It is pretty tall compared to a LBK or LBC, esp with the airlock. It works great for me in my fermenting fridge, however. Perfect height, and the narrow size means I can fit two.
- You can add a carry handle to the Better Bottles.
- The drawback/problem I've had with them is the smaller opening makes them harder to clean than LBKs and LBCs. As Mashani also mentions, it also complicates putting on a spigot.

I haven't researched Speidel much, but I know people that love them and I assume the same can probably be said for them regarding some of this. I know they have the HDPE O2 permeability resistance, and of course they are not clear (as you mentioned). They have a much bigger opening for cleaning, which would be super convenient.

Re: Speidel and Better Bottles

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:34 am
by mashani
As far as the LBC's - I'll just mention that yeah you can put an airlock on an LBC, but you don't *need* to. The venting mechanism/lid work like the LBK and do a fine job. I have seen no reason to attach an airlock to mine. It would only be something I'd consider necessary if I was bulk aging in a secondary, but if I was bulk aging I'd get me a better bottle for that purpose - or maybe the Speidel if it's safe for that. The reason is simply that airlock or no, beer infecting bugs will not get into it unless post fermentation you give it a big squeeze and suck a bunch of dusty air into it. Beer infecting bugs will not crawl up under the lid or get under the venting mechanism on their own. (they simply can't do that, they can't crawl up... they float and fall down, that's just how they are). Because it has legs, there is no reason to even touch the fermenter body, unlike the LBK where you have to touch the body and effectively give it a squeeze it to pick it up which increases the chances of "sucking in bugs". So it's less likely to have any issues then an LBK in that regards. LBC is a 3.1 gallon fermenter too, that's why it does 2.5 gallon batches without trouble, it's nearly as much volume as the small Speidel.

Anyways, those are my thoughts there, I've really got nothing bad to say about my LBC's, they've been nice little fermenters.

Of course that only matters if it fits somewhere without an airlock that it wouldn't with one. If it still doesn't fit, then bummer..

Also to be completely transparent - I am using the old style locking spigots on mine though. I don't trust the new spigots. I found a place on ebay that sells them as "water crock spigots". The work fine in the LBC's, you just need to be careful putting the base on since they stick out a bit more.

I've eyed the Speidels and might get one one day, but I'm holding hopes that someone will release a nice 3.5ish gallon stainless steel conical that I can afford :)

Re: Speidel and Better Bottles

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:40 am
by Beer-lord
I have the 30 liter Soeidel and love it. It's indestructible. Cleans easy, moves easy and still fits in my Cool Brewing bag so I can keep it cool in the hot months.