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#83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:00 pm
by swenocha
Started the 1 gallon recipe testing for Emma's recipe book today. Very smooth process, though not my normal process. New to me processes included using the oven for mashing (which I know some of you do), 2-step infusion mashing, and a different sparge technique (which worked great for this amount of grain, but wouldn't really work for me in a larger scale... basically using a metal strainer to suspend the grains, passing the wort through it multiple times between two vessels). I had a bit of a problem holding temps in the oven consistently, but it never really got far out of range. I did, however, have to pull the pot three times during the 90 minute mash to put it on the stovetop to bump the temps. Followed her processes, even when tempted to throw back to normal processes.

Things learned:
- I was quickly reminded why I moved outside to the turkey fryer now. Slow to reach boils, testy wife due to aromas, etc.
- I really value my grain bags and/or wish I had a finer mesh strainer. Had to fish some grain out after the sparge. Also, I have an eight inch strainer, but would need to use a 12 inch strainer to do a larger batch.
- It was a really, really long brew day for only 1 gallon of wort

I had a fun time doing this little project, and I think it will be a fine brew. It was estimated 1.056 SG, and even though I overestimated the volumes (was maybe at 1.2 gallons or a bit less at the end), I hit 1.053, so I had good efficiency. I won't post the recipe here (as it doesn't belong to me... buy the book!), but it was a good mix of munich, vienna, and german pils, along with traditional hop varieties. The yeasties were happily forming a krausen at 52 degrees within hours of pitching.

Anyone else working on an Emma brew?

Re: #83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:56 am
by John Sand
I don't know the book.
I mash in the oven with very consistent temperatures, but that's generally 2.5-5 gallons. The higher mass has more temperature stability.

Re: #83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:05 am
by yankfan9
I will be doing her 1 gallon Pilsner recipe this weekend. I have never done a lager, nor a step mash, nor an oven mash.. So it will be a great experiment and learning experience!

Re: #83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:34 am
by swenocha

Re: #83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:28 pm
by swenocha
Fast forward... 9 months in on this one, and it likely is the favorite thing I've brewed. Unfortunate side effect of one gallon brewday, however, is the fact there are only 4 bottles left.


Re: #83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:34 pm
by Kealia
That's pretty high praise considering the things that you've brewed!

Re: #83: Emma's Oktoberfest

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:42 am
by LouieMacGoo
Swen, you should contact Emma and let her know. I'm sure she would appreciate the feedback.