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New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:33 pm
by BlackDuck
My LHBS is just recently got in a couple new hops from HopUnion. They sound awefully interesting. Here are the stat sheets on the new ones that are available: Maybe good in pale ales and IPA's Might have to try this one in an American wheat Not sure what I would do with isn't my favorite Pale ales and IPA's again

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:52 pm
by BigPapaG
Yeah, I agree... The Polaris is a bit scary for me... Maybe in a Barleywine or Wheatwine... At low levels...

The other three though...

Blondes, Belgians, Saisons, Pale Ales, IPA's, IIPA's, Wheats...

Hmmm... Not that I need any more hops... :whistle:


Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:54 pm
by BlackDuck
Mabye that Polaris might work in a stout or porter. Something kind of chocolately might go well with mint undertones.

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:12 pm
by jimjohson
yeah, but it'd sure be easy to let it get away from you. that's a high alpha

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:30 pm
by philm00x
With that mint profile, it seems like polaris would be a good winter beer hop... or maybe a cali common?

hull melon sounds a lot like belma, and mandarina like saphir.

hallertau blanc sounds amazing though!

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:44 pm
by Kealia
I was thik Cali COmmon, too. Northern Brewer throws off some mint flavors, too.

The first sounds really interesting.

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:37 pm
by Beer-lord
Farmhouse has 'Huell Melon' and I wondered about it. I came close to buying more but I seriously have to move what I have and will work hard this summer on session IPA's with hopbursting until I use so much, I have to buy more.
Let me know what you think.

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:48 am
by Brewbirds
BlackDuck wrote:Mabye that Polaris might work in a stout or porter. Something kind of chocolately might go well with mint undertones.
I just so happen to be sitting on about a case of Cholate Mint IPA now and can say its quite good. This is one of the Free Wort Project beers we did, the mint is very low key or mild not strong or over powering. FWIW, Pearle, which we also used is also slightly mint.

Our first Black IPA, I think Ron might even like it!! :banana:
Chocolate Mint IPA.JPG
Chocolate Mint IPA.JPG (32.71 KiB) Viewed 381 times

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:43 pm
by BigPapaG
Brewbirds wrote:
BlackDuck wrote:Mabye that Polaris might work in a stout or porter. Something kind of chocolately might go well with mint undertones.
I just so happen to be sitting on about a case of Cholate Mint IPA now and can say its quite good. This is one of the Free Wort Project beers we did, the mint is very low key or mild not strong or over powering. FWIW, Pearle, which we also used is also slightly mint.

Our first Black IPA, I think Ron might even like it!! :banana:
Chocolate Mint IPA.JPG
Dang Birdie, that looks awesome!


Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:49 pm
by mashani
FWIW, I like the little bit of mint I get when I bitter a patersbier with Perle or Northern Brewer. Its there but subtle, it doesn't detract from the rest.

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:14 pm
by Tabasco
Brewbirds wrote:
BlackDuck wrote:Mabye that Polaris might work in a stout or porter. Something kind of chocolately might go well with mint undertones.
I just so happen to be sitting on about a case of Cholate Mint IPA now and can say its quite good. This is one of the Free Wort Project beers we did, the mint is very low key or mild not strong or over powering. FWIW, Pearle, which we also used is also slightly mint.

Our first Black IPA, I think Ron might even like it!! :banana:
Chocolate Mint IPA.JPG

Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:02 pm
by Brewbirds
mashani wrote:FWIW, I like the little bit of mint I get when I bitter a patersbier with Perle or Northern Brewer. Its there but subtle, it doesn't detract from the rest.
We actually used the Perle as a dry hop on this which most folks may not think of since it is considered a bittering hop. Polaris was a 40 minute boil and a hopstand and this was the first time we've tried it.

We don't know what hops were used in the original wort but guessing Fuggles, there is an obvious but not harsh bitterness but the flavor side is all mild mint and very pleasant.

This beer exceeded our expectations and I would encourage you guys to give Polaris a shot at least once. It would probably make a great light, crisp lawnmower beer even.


Re: New Hops at LHBS

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:17 pm
by duff
I have had some good gin and mint cocktails made for me and for some reason the Polaris made me think of them. Maybe a very simple malt profile with both a piney hop like maybe Simcoe and the Polaris used for bittering and late additions. Maybe even use some juniper berries in it. I would probably make it as an IPA style but maybe even doing it like a Pilsner could really bring out the flavor.