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Just had a duh moment

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:40 pm
by Gymrat
I was looking at dropping a hundred bucks on a perlic type faucet to put where my thermometer goes on my conical for taking samples. I sure hope y'all speak run on. Anyway it occurred to me I have 2 ball valves I dont use anymore. I think today I will use one of those in place of my thermowell. Only downside is I will be curious at what temperature that workhorse yeast is fermenting at.

Re: Just had a duh moment

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:30 pm
by John Sand
I like to roll ideas around my head for a few days before I act. I think you found a good one.

Re: Just had a duh moment

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 8:45 pm
by jimjohson
fwiw I'm fluent in run on 'tis my native tongue. ;)

Re: Just had a duh moment

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 8:58 pm
by Gymrat
jimjohson wrote:fwiw I'm fluent in run on 'tis my native tongue. ;)
That made me laugh

Re: Just had a duh moment

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:00 pm
by Gymrat
If this works out I will probably buy one more butterfly valve. Those are $55 which is better than $99. Maybe not as convenient.

Re: Just had a duh moment

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:08 pm
by Tabasco
It's all good.