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Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:47 am
by Gymrat
I have to get a new right hip. I am really not looking forward to being alone in the house the first few weeks after my surgery. I am more than a little freaked out by the fact that the new prosthetic will attract infection from any part of my body. I will have to take antibiotics before any dental work for at least 2 years, possibly the rest of my life. Anytime I get a cut I will need to get a topical antibiotic on it right away. I don't know whether to sell my bicycle or hold onto it until my grandson is big enough to give it to him. I don't want to risk falling off of it. I will have to carry a card to present when I go through any type of security involving metal detectors. Not that that happens very often. If I don't get it done I have to keep living with the pain in my right leg. I haven't been able to ride my bicycle the last two years because of it. And it is really difficult trying to hang onto Ralph when I am out walking him. When he starts pulling me it makes my leg hurt really bad. I have to use a cane to go to car shows and needed it when I went to the air show. By the end of the night at work I can barely walk. I thought about going after a disability so I would just stop aggravating it. But I am afraid that would just delay the need for surgery. And the older I get the more difficult the recovery will be.

Done with my rambling whining now.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:02 am
by DirtRacer
Hope it all goes as smoothly as possible for you. A family friend needed hip replacement surgery for over 5 years before he finally went for it at the age of 85. He needed a cane at all times and was quite slow. After the surgery he recovered faster than expected and doesn't need a cane anymore but he uses one since he was so used to using one. He is 87 now and gets around faster than before and has no problems with using a ladder.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:29 am
by whynot
My dad has several joints replaced, and the infection thing is very serious if it happens. However, the difference in mobility and quality of life in general is well worth it! Plus you will get some serious ice packs and cooling stuff that can be repurposed for a certain obsession. Focus on the light at the end of that tunnel.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:18 am
by joechianti
Good luck Roger. Try to keep a positive attitude. That really makes a difference. FWIW, I have several friends who have had knee and/or hip replacements, and they're all doing great. Stay positive, and keep us up to date. :rolleyes:

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:04 am
by Beer-lord
I hope all goes well Roger. You're obviously a healthy individual so you have that on your side.
Ask all the questions you can of the doctors and you'll likely feel better about what you need to do.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:10 am
by RickBeer
You're right in doing this before you get older, the older you are the longer and harder the recovery. Make sure you get support - if necessary from a visiting nurse (young?) and therapy (also young?) for recovery because doing it yourself will be difficult.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:23 am
by mtsoxfan
Best of luck Roger. What you have going for yourself is that you take care of yourself..... makes a big difference in recovery.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:36 am
by duff
It's gotta be rough to be in that situation but sometimes it's just best to get the surgery done.

Hopefully everything goes as well as it can.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:37 am
by SelfFueled
+1 to all

Make sure you are confident on what you do and as healthy as can be...for the better recovery.

Good luck on what decision you make. Keep your mind focused and in good spirits:)

Applying for disability is really difficult...the more you need it, the more difficult it is to get it.
You will be denied year after year until they give in.....
It is standard procedure for our own government to deny no matter how minor or severe that it is needed.
Took my father a few years when he tried to around the age of 60 or so.
He had many health problems to say the least and I think about 4 years to get it....even with multiple doctors recommendations.

Make the best of it and if the surgery can make you better, think positive on all aspects.

I have no clue about this.....but maybe see if there is any internship for anyone to help you out.
It may be from healthcare, schools, boy scouts even.

Good luck

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:49 am
by philm00x
Best of luck with your surgery! It will suck for a while, but it's ultimately for your health. Besides, you can always joke around saying you're half man, half machine! I think that sounds pretty bad ass!

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:48 am
by russki
Roger - wishing you the best of luck with the surgery and a speedy recovery! Beer has lots of vitamin B; should help you heal quickly!

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:56 am
by BlackDuck
Good luck to you Roger.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:20 am
by Brewbirds
Something in the FWIW category: My brother has post polio syndrome, which is progressively debilitating. He used to be able to walk with leg braces and got around fine. But as time went by he was getting weaker and couldn't walk very far anymore. He was really depressed about it because he was working full time as an executive and struggling to keep up with co-workers.
His doctors suggested he get a scooter and that made a huge difference in his quality of life both emotionally and physically.

A scooter might help you stay active in regards to walking the dog etc. until you are healed and give you bit of independence without risk of falling.

Wishing you all the best for a quick recovery.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:51 am
by Gymrat
SelfFueled I work for the BNSF railroad. Our disability comes from our retirement fund rather than social security. And after my 36 years of service it would be very lucrative. The railroad doesn't let us work with any restrictions at all. So for me getting accepted for it would be more likely than someone in my position wanting to draw on social security disability. But the two drawbacks to applying for it are
#1 I am afraid I would eventually need the surgery anyway. I would only be putting it off until it would be more difficult to recover from.
#2 It would make me feel like a quitter. 36 years of service with only 2 years left and I drop out. I have always been very driven to accomplish my goals. It is how I managed to set American Records and win a World title in powerlifting in my late 40s. Which may also have something to do with what I am dealing with now.

Brewbirds a scooter just isn't a possibility for me. I can't use one at work. And if I tried to use one to walk Ralph the results would be disastrous. He is an extremely powerful dog and very impulsive. He has pulled me off of my feet 3 times. Twice when he was on his leash and saw lizards. He sees one and he has to catch it and I have no warning so I can brace myself. And once when he was on the 50 ft rope I let him run on when we are in the field when he saw a rabbit.

This is part of what is motivating me to buy the conical. I just don't want to lift a full bottling bucket up on a bench to siphon from it anymore. I know there are cheaper ways to avoid that but as long as I am at it why not buy something that will also clean up my beer for me before I rack it. Plus look cool in my man cave pub.

Thankyou all for your responses and well wishes.

Re: Bumming out over upcoming surgery

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:18 am
by gwcr
Good luck with the surgery and recovery. Hope the rehab goes quick for you. That conical idea seems better all the time...