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People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:49 am
by jivex5k
Long story short, big festival in Tampa called Hunahpu day happens ever year. Went with a group of friends this year in March, it was oversold. Everyone is supposed to get 3 bottles of Hunahpu, two friends didn't. Cigar City issues refunds to everyone since they ran out, today announces a make up batch is done and people with wristbands still can get their bottles.

Well my friends didn't save their wristbands, I posted about it on, saying ah well kind of sucks but I understand why CCB is doing it like this. Get a PM from a local who has 2 wristbands and doesn't need them so he's going to mail me them so my friends can get the beer now.


Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:53 am
by Beer-lord
I've not completely lost my faith in mankind but I am coming close. Glad to see someone stepped up and showed some class.
Now go and pass it on and maybe it will continue.

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:10 am
by Rebel_B
Thanks for the reminder! Yes, people can be awesome. I work in retail, seeing all spectrums of people at their best, worst, & everything in between. One of my co-workers is out sick undergoing cancer treatments right now; many of my other co-workers have donated their sick days to this person so she can survive financially while being out of work. I see generosity on a daily basis, it is both humbling and inspiring!

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:11 am
by Dawg LB Steve
Good deal on BOTH fronts! :clink:

Just read on FB Cigar City and Great Lakes Brewing collaborated on a Black Ale and Black Lager. Cigar City's BM is going to brew and release the Wandering Pelican Black Lager here in Cleveland at GLB and GLB's BM is brewing and releasing Wandering Pelican Black Ale in Tampa this past Monday the 19th. Had to do with a wayward Brown Pelican that was blown WAAAAYY off course in Superstorm Sandy, it ended up roosting on the shores of Lake Erie by Cleveland Browns Stadium.

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:19 am
by jivex5k
Yeah looking forward to that beer, being distrod in cans down here in FL. I got my hands on some of their Dan'l Webster too, the collab with Hoppin' god is it good.

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 12:39 pm
by philm00x
From what I remember about Hunahpu Day this year, there were a lot of people counterfeiting wrist bands trying to get in and CCB caught wind of it, so they cancelled it and issued refunds. Glad to hear that there are nice people out there willing to help fellow beer enthusiasts though.

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 2:11 pm
by Gman20
yea there are a few awesome people out there i work at a restaurant and recently we had a bus stop in. This bus was full of military guys all in uniform anyway some guy who was just driving by seen all these guys getting off the bus came in and gave me his credit card offering to pay for all of them

:flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag:

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 2:23 pm
by Beer-lord
Oh wow, that was very nice of him to offer.
They live among us.

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:59 pm
by John Sand
Amen! Remember the good stuff, let the bad go by.

Re: People can be awesome....

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:27 pm
by Photon Brewing
+1 John. Remember the good ones