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What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:16 pm
by FedoraDave
We're not the Anti-Mr. Beer site.

I'm beginning to see some hostile sentiments. Mr. Beer has gone in whatever direction they felt was best for them. Whether it suited our needs/wants doesn't matter. That was their decision. This is our decision. This is what's best for us; maybe what MB is doing is what's best for them.

Yes, I've pretty much abandoned everything Mr. Beer (except using the LBK for small batches). But let's not forget our roots. How many of us wouldn't be here were it not for the start Mr. Beer provided? I'll always be grateful for that first batch of Whispering Wheat. It showed me I COULD make my own beer. If I've outgrown MB, or if they've changed in a way that doesn't suit me, so be it. It doesn't change what they were.

Let's not forget our roots and run down what brought us as far as we've progressed.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:20 pm
by gwcr
Here, here!


Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:22 pm
by Beer-lord
Though I started with patience after coming to this forum, I have started to sour on Mr. Beer and have let my feelings known though not as vocal as others. However, I still feel like communication could have been much better. I think they screwed up big time but that's their business. Nothing says they have to tell us anything but saying nothing was a bad move in my opinion.
Me, I'm here to stay and I wish them all the best in whatever they do. But if I were to be ask my opinion on what's happened over the last 2 weeks, I'd strongly suggest they wake up and put it in high gear.
I had already moved from Mr. Beer products but when I need a quick and easy brew for the pipeline, there's always the chance I'd buy a kit or two. Don't see that happening now.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:25 pm
by brewin bull
FedoraDave wrote:We're not the Anti-Mr. Beer site.
I could not agree more.

I know there are some pretty bitter feelings about the way they did things but in all honesty that is their problem.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:30 pm
by DirtRacer
Well put Dave. I'm not anti-Mr.Beer, my brother had talked with me for a good 40 mins or so about brewing and using Mr. Beer equipment. Due to his busy schedule, Mr. Beer or BrewDemon are his best options and I will recommend to him either one as he readies to get started. I'll probably use my LBKs till the day they die at which point, I'll probably get one of the BD conicals. Or, I could give him one of my LBKs and then have room for a conical. Hmmmm, decisions decisions. The board move was terrible on their part. I have settled in very well here and have almost already forgotten about the Mr. Beer board, aside from having it in my Bookmarked pages.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:35 pm
by FrozenInTime
I am angry at Mr Beer for the eff up they did to the forum. I considered it the best forum I belonged to, enjoyed the comrade, the good people there. Now, saying that, I am not angry at their products even though they eff'd up there too, becoming a foriegn company. If it was not for their products, I would not be brewing beer. While it is true I am (trying) to move to doing all grain now, I would recommed them to others for a *starter, cheap* kit to see if it is something a person would like to do. BUT, I also would just as fast recommend Brew Demon as a starter also!

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:38 pm
by Yankeedag
we'll work on that AG when I get there FIT. Won't be long now.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:54 pm
by jpsherman
Good point Hat. I hope the bitterness will pass with time. They don't have bad product, they just made a poor social media decision.

I am pretty done with their forum, but if they offer crazy deals like 50% off scratch and dent I will pull the trigger. But then again I am a cheap SOB.

I am kinda excited to check out the old mr beer stuff that brewdemon has that is new to me.

:party: :banana: :party: :banana:

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:01 am
by mashani
I'm not bitter... I do not hate Mr. Beer... they have not lost me as a customer at least as long as I buy stuff on sale and/or with a coupon code to make it worth the $$. They are a vendor to me, just like any other vendor.

Anger and bitterness is a waste of time as far as I'm concerned.

I'm simply here because I can not log into their forum for whatever reason, and everyone that I care to talk to that used to be on their forum is now here. That's what matters to me.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:07 am
by jimmypirate
Not angry at Mr. BEER at all. Just think that they were incredibly short sighted alienating sooo many of what seemed to be their biggest, most knowledgable supporters. Will most likely continue to order from time to time.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:53 am
by Gymrat
I am not angry or bitter with MrBeer. I have not been a customer of theirs in a really long time so I felt awkward posting on their forum. I was only there because the people I learned with were there. Now they are here.

Frankly it did bother me a bit talking about other businesses on their forum. I did it anyway and they were very gracious about allowing us to do that.

I know nothing about brew demon but I still recommend Mr Beer to people who tell me they would like to try brewing sometime.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:54 am
by zorak1066
in my not so humble opinion... if you own a business however large or small, and you dont treat every customer interaction as if the customer really was valued by you... if you give them the feeling like you just dont give a crap about their opinion and when they grumble you toss a 5% discount or some other biscuit their way... that is just bad business. likewise if you as a business owner either ask your clients opinion on something and do what you want to anyway, or dont bother to answer simple questions put to you... and instead go on and on about the really new and exciting recipes youve made so we can spend more money... it shows you dont care.

many questions were asked of mr beer. they offered only fluff and feel good posts or 'see how busy we've been!'. when honest criticism was offered and suggestions to make things better, silence was offered.

it's not even just the forum that has soured me. my last order from mr beer was haphazardly tossed into a box. a couple styro peanuts were tossed in. my package arrived looking like it was drop kicked across the country. the cans of hme were dented but thankfully not broken. it gave me the impression that my paltry order didnt rate their time. every order i've received from other brew supply places, (like NB) however big or small has been carefully boxed and stuffed. invoices included with the packers initials. sticky notes on boxes that include 'misc loose ingredients' with kit ingredients so you know 'its in there' etc. northern brewer has won my loyalty. why? because they care. i even asked them once what grains they used in a 1 gallon kit so i could whip up a batch on my own... and they told me. why? because they were counting on my buying the ingredients from them...which i did. they even list every component and its weight /measure with each kit in case you want to scale them up or down.

so yes, i am grateful to mr beer for my start and for providing me a place to learn so much from good people like you all. i really enjoyed all the really good beer i made with their stuff (except the punkin wizz beer)... but i cannot stand a company that just doesnt give a crap. that is what alienated me the most.

once again i want to just express my undying gratitude to all from that forum for the year plus of education, hints, recipes shared... everything. thank you! and thank you to the owner and moderator(s) of this board.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:59 am
by zorak1066
one more thing: when so many people suffered busted spigots and lost beer at least mr b did the right thing and shipped out replacement kits. that much was good. it was good for business...good for the win. the bad thing was, if you have that many ppl saying 'hey! theres a problem with your new spigot design!' and you dont fix it.....

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:09 am
by tomtravelino
I am a very new brewer having only been at it for 8 months but the wealth of knowledge that the Mr. Beer community site afforded to me was fantastic. My wife got me the Mr.Beer kit so I would not be here without it. I will still purchase their products for the right price but have moved on to other vendors and lhbs fo most of my recipes. I am here because after the upgrade, or what ever you want to call it, it was virtually impossible to bring myself to go on. I looked forward to those time, the kids asleep and sitting on the couch for hours reading, learning and getting to know everyone. I am glad and excited to have that again now here and again loom forward, to the countless hours that wil, be spent here.

Re: What we are NOT

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:21 am
by Rayyankee
As Dave said without MRB and there products i would never be here and found such a awesome group of people.Although after last years buy out the few recipes that i tried were not in my opinion as good as the old ones. Tried the new Hef after having made the old hef 4 times for SWMBO and she liked the old one better. That being said i still recommend MRB to people that are interested in getting started and dont have lots of time or space. Where MRB messed up was in the upgrade to the forum had to re login every time even to post something after logging in and that is a pain in the. I am not Anti MRB just there Forum