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Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:50 pm
by Beer-lord
Some guy recorded his attempt to cancel his Comcast service and went thru hell. ... apologizes

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:57 pm
by BigPapaG
Arrrggg... Comcast is supposed to finalize the acquisition of Time Warner in our area by the end of the year...

Can't wait... NOT!


Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:33 am
by mashani
BigPapaG wrote:Arrrggg... Comcast is supposed to finalize the acquisition of Time Warner in our area by the end of the year...

Can't wait... NOT!

Yep, I'm in that mess too. But I think I hate AT&T worse...

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:43 am
by BigPapaG
Yeah, strange business the communications industry...

Once all the mergers and acquistions are complete, someone will think they have too much control and force them to divest.

It's a vicious cycle... At our expense.


Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:23 am
by jivex5k
Need google fiber.

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:52 am
by DaYooper
BigPapaG wrote:Yeah, strange business the communications industry...

Once all the mergers and acquistions are complete, someone will think they have too much control and force them to divest.

It's a vicious cycle... At our expense.

You aint kidding. About a 10 year cycle it seems. Exclusive rights to a neighbourhood, then competition is brought in, one buys the other, another player is allowed to enter, rinse and repeat.

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:04 pm
by jimjohson
That man is a saint. I don't suffer fools gladly and that conversation would've devolved very quickly to a fluent use of profanity. :)

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:29 pm
by Photon Brewing
These sort of interactions crack me up. Its a big game to them. They give ya the run around for a stretch to get ya all riled up. Then the F bombs start flying and things get accomplished. Its amazing what happens when that word enters into the frey. It cuts through red tape like no other.

I gotta meet with a financer tomorrow about the house my wife and I just purchased. I got the 20%+ for closing costs and avoiding PMI charges. Hes been jerking me around about where the funds came from and this that and the other. Ive given him my W2s and bank statements and everything is in order. Hes questioned a few larger deposits and I keep tellin him its none of his damned business where it came from. The funds are there, hes selling, Im buying, done deal. Ive got a strong idea already about how this meeting is gonna go. Bottom line, if he dont want the business I'll take it to the guy up the road. To say the least, this will be the LAST house I ever buy. Getting to old for this crap.

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:12 am
by Foothiller
We have Comcast and are generally OK with it in most ways. But our cell phones are with AT&T, and when it was time for my wife to get a new phone, the salesman had quite a line. When she realized AT&T would provide less service than Comcast, it took 4 phone calls before AT&T got the message that we wanted to cancel their installation appointment.

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:33 am
by FedoraDave
I was pestered by our original provider after going with another provider. They would show up at my door and want me to switch back. When I would tell them I wasn't interested, since I was happy with my current provider, they wouldn't let up, switching tactics and not taking "no" for an answer.

I'm somewhat familiar with sales protocol, and I know one of the rules is the "Three No's". Overcome objections and try to close, sure, but if the customer gives you three "no" answers, it's time to leave. These representatives ignored that. The were more persistent than a Mormon missionary with an Amway franchise.

I would try to be polite, but eventually my patience would wear thin and I'd get angry with them for showing up unannounced, asking invasive questions ("Can we look at your current provider's bill?"), and wasting my time with their attempts to wear me down. And when I get angry after holding back, you don't want to be in the line of fire.

The last time one of these trolls showed up, I told her, "I'm not interested, thank you," and began to shut the door. She started to say, "Is that because...." and I shouted at her, "It's because I'm NOT INTERESTED! THANK YOU!" and slammed the door in her face.

I haven't had anyone come back since then.

Re: Wanna see what happens when you try to cancel Comcast

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:40 am
by FedoraDave
I do think it's great, though, that an internet provider was called out on their employee's poor performance on the internet.