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Think this will work?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:06 pm
by Beer-lord
My false bottom isn't the best and my temp resistant hose is all messed up.....I use the false bottom but only during the mash.
I bought this SS mesh hose last year and thought about using it on the outside of the spigot going into the fermenter but I know it'll get stopped up from the inside of the hose. I don't have a way to screw it on the inside of the brew kettle but if left the false bottom in, it might stay during the vigorous boil.
Do you think it'll work since it's much like a sparge strainer or should I just forget about it? I don't have anything to tie it together with to insure it stays and can always just use a brew spoon and remove it if it starts to float around.
I already use a strainer going into the fermentation bucket if this worked and didn't get stopped up, would reduce it even more.

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Re: Think this will work?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:43 pm
by Rebel_B
Yup, I think it will work. I'm not 'picturing' a SS hose floating in your wort.

Re: Think this will work?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:17 pm
by Inkleg
Could you remove the nipple (hehe) and screw the screen into the pot fitting. Looking at the second picture they seem to be the same size.

Or just forget about it.

Re: Think this will work?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:11 pm
by Beer-lord
I opted not to screw it in just in case it gets clogged for my first time. If it works, that's exactly what I'll do next time and in the future. I ordered a better fitting, made for my kettle, false bottom too. I should have gotten that one instead of the 'economy' one I have that really was a waste of $35. Ya gets what ya pays for, right?
As an aside, the ground water came out at 82 this afternoon!!!! Gonna need lots of ice to keep that pump cool for the chiller.

Re: Think this will work?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:36 pm
by BigPapaG
Make a "spring coil" out of copper or stainless steel wire and slide it in the screen tube so it doesn't collapse.
