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WLP007 yeast starter

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:55 am
by Beer-lord
I made a starter with 007 a few days ago and normally, it's got huge, cottage cheese like chunks in it but this time, nothing. It was milky but not at all like it normally is.
I'm going with it anyway and I'm likely OCD'ing again but with my latest bunch of flops, I need a good brew this weekend.

Re: WLP007 yeast starter

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:38 pm
by ScrewyBrewer
Beer-lord wrote:I made a starter with 007 a few days ago and normally, it's got huge, cottage cheese like chunks in it but this time, nothing. It was milky but not at all like it normally is.
I'm going with it anyway and I'm likely OCD'ing again but with my latest bunch of flops, I need a good brew this weekend.
I've noticed the same thing with a few of my wlp007 starters too. I just keep an eye on the amount of krauzen that gets created once the starter's peaked, that's worked pretty well for me numerous times before. I cold crash and decant my starters before pitching them, this gives me a chance to estimate the cell count based on the thickness of the yeast cake.

Re: WLP007 yeast starter

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:23 pm
by Kealia
I always forget how chunky this yeast is. Here's a quick look at the starter running now for my Levitation on Sunday.

Re: WLP007 yeast starter

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:43 pm
by Beer-lord
There's a few that do this for me as well but so far, nothing compared to 007. The one I posted about above came out ok without as many chunks.
I think I'll brew an 11 gallon batch of some pale ale next weekend and do half with 001 and half with either 007 or 002 and then use different dry hops on each just to make them different enough.

Re: WLP007 yeast starter

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:08 pm
by mashani
Many high floc English strains will do the egg drop soup thing. It is freaky the first time.