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My disease has a name

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:41 am
by Beer-lord
Lupulin Threshold Shift

lupulin threshold shift \lu·pu·lin thresh·old shift\ n 1. When a once extraordinarily hoppy beer now seems pedestrian. 2. The phenomenon a person has when craving more bitterness in beer.
3. The long-term exposure to extremely hoppy beers; if excessive or prolonged, a habitual dependence on hops will occur. 4. When a "Double IPA" just is not enough.

I've not been given a prescription yet and I think it might have to be discussed by a team of brewers, er, doctors but it appears the symptoms are real and it could be a long time before they get this under control and I'm cured.

Re: My disease has a name

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:58 am
by Chuck N
I find that a pinch of hops between my cheek and gum - Copenhagen style - takes care of my problem.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: My disease has a name

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:14 am
by Beer-lord
So should I use the leftover pinch from my armpits before I insert it into my cheeks? I use hops for deodorant and want to be as economical as possible.

Re: My disease has a name

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:23 am
by BigPapaG
Beer-lord wrote:Lupulin Threshold Shift

lupulin threshold shift \lu·pu·lin thresh·old shift\ n 1. When a once extraordinarily hoppy beer now seems pedestrian. 2. The phenomenon a person has when craving more bitterness in beer.
3. The long-term exposure to extremely hoppy beers; if excessive or prolonged, a habitual dependence on hops will occur. 4. When a "Double IPA" just is not enough.

I've not been given a prescription yet and I think it might have to be discussed by a team of brewers, er, doctors but it appears the symptoms are real and it could be a long time before they get this under control and I'm cured.
It's purely an exposure problem... You MUST limit exposure to extremely hoppy beers!

Prescription: take three milk stouts and call me in the morning!


Re: My disease has a name

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:05 pm
by D_Rabbit
You have a disease.... and the only prescription is.... more cow bell!

Re: My disease has a name

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:28 pm
by Brewbirds
This disease was discovered by scientists who were trying to determine why there were sudden chronic hop shortages; using night vision goggles they witnessed hoards of hop heads wearing multi-pocketed overalls sneaking into the fields and stuffing said garments full.

There is a secret experiment underway to round the perpetrators up, erase all memory of hop growing regions from them and relocate them to southern states.

Hoppy beers generate more tax revenue in the south than oil.
