Cider questions/help needed

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Cider questions/help needed

Post by LouieMacGoo »

Yesterday after I brewed my Harvest SMaSH I met up with several members of my home brew club to make a cider run. Our club arranged to make bulk cider purchase for $5 a gallon. We ended up getting about 60 gallons racked directly into our own containers from the press. Now that I have 5 gallons of fresh apple cider I need to figure out what to do with it. This is unpasteurized "raw" cider so I know I need to address the wild yeast that is present in the cider but I'm unsure which is the best way. Should I use Campden tablets or should I hear pasteurize it?

Also want to make something that is on the sweeter side and not so dry, so I'm thinking to use a yeast (Safale S04) that doesn't attenuate as much as a Champagne yeast, but I think I may need to also back sweeten it as well.

When my daughter and I were in England we tried a Strawberry Lime Cider that was sweet but not too sweet and had a really good flavor. I'm hoping to create a cider recipe similar to that.

Any suggestion as to creating a sweet cider would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Cider questions/help needed

Post by RandyG »

Leigh, I can't help you with any info,but I just had my 1st pour of Brewer's Best Blueberry cider. It was from a kit and it is BY FAR the best cider that ever came from one of my fermenters. Check out their website.They have Strawberry Pear and Raspberry Lime cider kits as well. My Dad used to go to an orchard for regular cider and he would let it sit until it got alittle what he called "Fizzy". I was too young to know if he added anything,but I know he wouldn't let me have any. Good luck with your project. :D
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Re: Cider questions/help needed

Post by FrozenInTime »

Boil the cider. I use lactose to sweeten my hard cider, I follow yd's Nong Cider, has been pretty good for me.
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