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To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:14 pm
by Brewbirds
Okay guys who've moved----or anyone else who wants to chime in :D

It took a very long time to build up my bottle collection since we got obsessed with brewing and I'm really tempted to take my GLASS with me.

I know it sounds dumb at first look but I've got 14 cases of sorted, de-labeled and boxed bottles that I OCD' over while we were here and brewing.
move bottles 001.JPG
move bottles 001.JPG (49.4 KiB) Viewed 914 times
We weighed them in at 12+ pounds per case which BB2 calls six dollars per case per pound to hall from the mover estimates. It will cost a lot more to buy new cases from the LHBS ( we won't be able to spend on craft beer until we get out of the rental and into the perm. rez.)

They are packed great for sitting in the garage but putting them on a moving truck and not paying for glass shards to arrive.


Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:23 pm
by alb
Well, those boxes are made for transport, aren’t they? I mean the distributors ship in them, I don’t see why you couldn’t. But I’ve never moved my bottles, so I’m just guessing.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:25 pm
by FedoraDave
Alb has a good point. You could also add some packing material if you're really concerned about it. Even crumpled up newspaper would provide a little bit of a buffer.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:07 pm
by DirtRacer
When I moved, I only had maybe 2 cases worth of bottles to take with me but I had a box big enough to put them all in. The were a mix and match of bottles of varying sizes. I drove from California to Texas and the only packaging I had to protect the bottles was clothes. Mostly shirts and sweaters, which gave them some cushion. All the bottles survived just fine on that long trip.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:09 pm
by John Sand
Stronger boxes would help too. Check craigslist for plastic milk crates.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:10 pm
by jimjohson
Even if some break, it'll cut down the expense of buying bottles. Imo better to buy 2 or 3 cases than all 14.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:35 pm
by FrozenInTime
Long move, part with them. Just think about all the fun/joy you will have starting your collection again, all the free bottles you will accumulate while enjoying more of your favorite craft brews! I drug mine along when we moved, but it was only 70 miles, they were all full of homebrew. I now have 13-14 cases or more sitting in my brew room wasting space as I now keg. Have not bottled in a few years. Toss them is my vote, IMHO. Last but least, I say, do what makes you happy with them.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:54 am
by RickBeer
Movers charge by weight. Do the math. Mine was $.20 per pound. Bottles are light. Move them.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:14 pm
by DaYooper
RickBeer wrote:Movers charge by weight. Do the math. Mine was $.20 per pound. Bottles are light. Move them.
What a scam then. How do you know how much a move is going to cost? I am guessing though that you would Rick as I have to bet that you have already weighed everything in your house "just in case."

Birdie, I would not worry about them breaking them. I would be more worried about TVs, China, glassware, and all that stuff. If they cant move a case of bottles without breaking them I would find other movers. FYI we have been getting ready to up and move (subject of another thread when I have time) and a good chunk of my empties have been cleaned and put in the attic. I started my "collection" while still using PETs and a case of bombers my parents had so I had a little time to get things going for the pipeline. Even with mostly kegging now, I dread thinking about peeling all those goshdarned labels so mine are going with me no matter what.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:05 pm
by RickBeer
Moving across state lines is regulated. You get binding estimates "not to exceed". They weight truck before and after loading (or after loading and after unloading). If it weighs more, you win, if less, you pay that. Mine netted to around $.20 per pound. Scrap wood stayed. A friend got a pickup full of stuff.

DaYooper, you should leave most of your stuff and start fresh. .. :lol:

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:37 pm
by Brewbirds
Waayull... :lol: :lol: :lol:

They're boxed & I've gotten the same yes/no answers from the movers that I got here so maybe the thing to do is see what kind of mood the driver is in when he gets here.

I think I'll make plans to A.) Find someone to take them on short notice; and B.) Butter up the Driver with breakfast and my winning smile and see where that gets us. Hoping that he passes through our area often the promise of some brewskies might help. ;) ;) ;)

Any locals who want to come grab them at the last minute sign on now! :)

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:42 pm
by joechianti
All I can do is guess, but I like the idea of moving them and even if half of the break and have to be replaced, which I seriously doubt, it's still better than replacing ALL of them.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:26 am
by zorak1066
put them in your trunk.. move them yourself.. unless youre moving cross country. I got a large sterilite container that I use as a fermentation chiller box. I shoved all my brewing stuff into it, taped the hell out of it and had movers move it.


rent a small uhaul truck for a day at about 20 bux. load it up with the stuff you are concerned about paying for moving.. move it youself. you can usually drop off uhaul trucks anywhere.. just fill it up first with gas.

Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:18 am
by mashani
Or you could just send them to me for proper disposal along with your bench capper, which is just going to add more weight to your move.



Re: To move or not to move... a brewers dilema ...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:23 am
by ScrewyBrewer
I know I tossed at least 1,200 clean delabeled bottles in the recycling bins before we moved and I'm still regretting it. It's funny how one's priorities can change when faced with short timetables and lots of things to do at once. Luckily for me I know a lot of beer drinkers, including myself and I was able to get back up into the 500 bottle range again. If you have the room to store your collection and can move the bottles yourself, do it. If it's not worth it then throw a house warming beer party and ask folks to bring the empties they've been saving for you.