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New Years Blast IPA

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:44 pm
by Knightmare
So I whipped this up on the fly today. It's a version of an IPA that Dag and I thought up a couple years ago. I've made a few different versions of it since and this the latest. It was fun brew day! My buddy Heath stopped over with some great beers to sample. Some were bottles thar are impossible to purchase. I had a chili pepper imperial stout that was indescribable and awesome! It was a great day! Here was the result.

New Years 2014 IPA

Style: American IPA
Type: All Grain Calories: 238
Rating: 0.0 Boil Size: 7.75 Gal
IBU's: 95.11 Batch Size: 5.50 Gal
Color: 7.8 SRM Boil Time: 60 minutes
Preboil OG: 1.057
Estimated Actual
Brew Date: - 12/31/2014
OG: 1.073 1.073
FG: 1.018 1.018
ABV: 7.20 % 7.20 %
Efficiency: 80 % 80 %
Serve Date: 01/31/2015 / /

Fermentation Steps
Name Days / Temp Estimated Actual
Primary 21 days @ 68.0°F 12/31/2014 12/31/2014
Bottle/Keg 10 days @ 38.0°F 01/21/2015 -

Grains & Adjuncts
Amount Percentage Name Time Gravity
12.00 lbs 78.69 % Pale Malt (2 Row) US 60 mins 1.036
1.00 lbs 6.56 % Munich Malt - 10L 60 mins 1.035
1.00 lbs 6.56 % White Wheat Malt 60 mins 1.040
4.00 ozs 1.64 % Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L 60 mins 1.034
1.00 lbs 6.56 % Briess 6-Row Caramel 10L 60 mins 1.035

Amount IBU's Name Time AA %
0.50 ozs 4.92 Cascade 20 mins 5.50
0.50 ozs 3.41 Cascade 12 mins 5.50
0.50 ozs 11.81 Citra 20 mins 13.20
0.50 ozs 8.18 Citra 12 mins 13.20
2.00 ozs Centennial 7 days 10.00
1.00 ozs 41.37 Columbus (Tomahawk) 60 mins 14.00
0.50 ozs 7.61 Amarillo Gold 20 mins 8.50
0.50 ozs 5.27 Amarillo Gold 12 mins 8.50
0.50 ozs 3.37 Amarillo Gold 7 mins 8.50
0.50 ozs 2.18 Cascade 7 mins 5.50
0.50 ozs 5.24 Citra 7 mins 13.20
0.50 ozs 1.06 Amarillo Gold 2 mins 8.50
0.50 ozs 0.69 Cascade 2 mins 5.50
0.00 ozs 0.00 Citra 2 mins 13.20
1.00 ozs 0.00 Cascade 0 mins 5.50

Amount Name Laboratory / ID
1.00 pkg American Ale Wyeast Labs 1056

Amount Name Time Stage
1.00 oz Whirlfloc Tablet 10 mins Boil

Mash Profile
Medium Body Infusion In 60 min @ 152.0°F
Add 18.00 qt water @ 166.0°F
Sparge 18.00 qt of 175.0°F water over 10 mins

Amount Type Beer Temp CO2 Vols
11.2 psi Force Carbonation 38.0°F 2.50

Notes Version: 2.836

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Re: New Years Blast IPA

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:11 pm
by Beer-lord
Looks great. I've done something a bit similar with different variations as well. Same hops but a slightly different grist but with a smaller 60 minute. I like Columbus as a bittering AND dry hop.